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Heart beats regularly. Eyes and ears begin to form.
Heart develops right and left chambers.
Bones are visible. Heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope
Fingerprints form
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Today is a very special day, it’s the day I was born. June 9th 1999 at 1:04 P.M. I was a newborn baby. There were no problems with my birth, and it was only minutes before I was fully out into the new world. -
Eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds.
A baby can hold its head up and reach for objects.
First steps
On this day when I was a baby I took my first steps, it’s a little ironic because December 9th is my half birthday. We lived in an apartment which is not where we live now. My dad he worked night shifts so he stayed with me during the day and my mom stayed with me during the night. It was about 1:00 pm that afternoon and there I was in the middle of the living room it was lunch time for this baby. My dad told me that I stood up and I ran into the kitchen and he was the only one that saw me run. -
Infant begins to crawl.
First cake
Today is a great day it’s my 2 year old birthday. This birthday was my first time having cake and boy it was a mess! Me and my old friend Jacob were both two and we pretty much cut into the cake ourselves! -
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Ovulation in females, and sperm production in males begin.
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Meeting Victoria Wheeler
Today is probably the best day of my whole life, today is the day I met Victoria Wheeler. She has changed my life, in lots of ways. She is always there for me. She knows how to make me smile. She means the world to me, and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. That’s why I love her and she loves me. -
First day of a new way!
Today I started 7th grade, this is really important to me. This is the school year I’ve learned to be more myself you know. Have more friends and to be the nice one. Last year is what made me realize that I wasn’t being myself. -
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Skin starts to become wrinkled
Aging begins.
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Aging becomes more noticeable and progresses rapidly.
Carey, Chris. candy1523.jpg. April 2006. Pics4Learning. 17 Feb 2012 http://pics.tech4learning.com
McPherson, Peggy. babyfeet1.jpg. September 2009. Pics4Learning. 21 Feb 2012 http://pics.tech4learning.com
Stacey, Erin. mlkghandi.jpg. August 2008. Pics4Learning. 21 Feb 2012 http://pics.tech4learning.com