
  • Mine Worker Strike

    Mine Worker Strike
    Four hundred thousand mine workers begin a strike with other industries. The strike was lead by African Americans who did death defying work only to get treated poorly. The strike only lasted five days after police force stopped the strike. http://americasbesthistory.com/abhtimeline1940.html
  • Birth

    My grandma was born on May 24th 1946
  • School

    When my grandma was 15 in 1961 she was kicked out of St.Mary's High School but went to Poloski High School Instead.
  • U.S Buildup Begins

    U.S Buildup Begins
    White paper advises increase in U.S presence in Vietnam.
  • Marriage

    My grandma got married at the age of seventeen on November 23rd 1963
  • Gulf Of Tonkin

    Gulf Of Tonkin
    The USS Maddox is on spy patrol 30 miles off the coast of Vietnam when it reports an attack by three enemy vessels. Another U.S ship reports an attack on August 4th. On August 7th congress passes the Gulf Of Tonkin resolution allowing president Johnson to wage war against North Vietnam without a formal declaration of war.
  • First Child's Birth

    Exactly 9 months after my grandparents married my grandma had her first child, Donald on August 23rd 1964.
  • The Election Of The President

    The Election Of The President
    Lyndon Johnson was elected the to be the president on November 3rd 1964. https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/lyndon-b-johnson/
  • 2nd Child

    My grandma had her 2nd child, Rochelle on August 18th 1966
  • Minimum Wage Increases

    Minimum Wage Increases
    The minimum wage in 1966 was $1.25 but increased to $1.60 by February 1968.
  • 3rd Child

    My grandma had her 3rd and last child, Jackqueline on October 24th 1967.
  • U.S Troops In Vietnam

    U.S Troops In Vietnam
    More U.S troops get sent to Vietnam to fight the war, 33,000 are stationed in Thailand while 60,000 sail offshore. The U.S had close ties with Thailand and fought on their land. Thailand's reasoning for being involved with the war is because of means of defense of its own borders as well as helping to bring stability to the region as well.
  • The Embargo

    The Embargo
    President Jimmy Carter announces an embargo of grains against the Soviet Union because of the Soviet Union's response to the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.
  • Son's Death

    My grandma lost her son Donald a day after Christmas in 1980 when he was 15 due to a car accident.
  • First Grandchil's Birth

    My grandma's first grandchild Donald, was born on October 14th 1988.
  • Poverty Point National Monument

    Poverty Point National Monument
    Ronald Regan established Poverty Point National Monument in Louisiana because he wanted to preserve earthworks from prehistoric times in North America.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty_Point
  • The Treaty

    The Treaty
    U.S president George H.W Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev from the Soviet Union sign a treaty to stop the chemical weapon production and begin the destruction of each nations current inventory.http://americasbesthistory.com/abhtimeline1990.html
  • 2nd Grandchild's Birth

    My grandma's 2nd grandchild, lore'l was born on June 3rd 1990
  • World Trade Center Bombing

    World Trade Center Bombing
    On February 26th 1993 Islamic terrorists parked a van under the North Tower of the World Trade Center which exploded and killed six people and injured thousands.
  • 3rd Grandchild

    My grandma's 3rd grandchild, Stephanie was born on August 9th 1993.
  • The Khobar Tower Bombing

    The Khobar Tower Bombing
    The Khobar Towers in Khobar, Saudi Arabia are bombed on June 25th 1996. The bomb destroyed the majority of apartment complex and it killed nineteen U.S Military personnels. Islamic terrorist carried out the act because they were seeking removal of the U.S presence in Saudi Arabia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khobar_Towers_bombing
  • 4th Grandchild

    The 4th grandchild, Olivia was born on August 6th 1996
  • A Tragedy For NASA

    A Tragedy For NASA
    A tragedy hits NASA when the space shuttle Columbia explodes upon reentering over Texas. All seven astronauts are killed. http://americasbesthistory.com/abhtimeline2000.html
  • 5th Grandchild

    The 5th grandchild (me) was born on October 31st 2003.
  • First Great Grandchilds Birth

    My Grandma's first great grandchild, Anthony was born on May 13th 2006
  • Milestone For The U.S

    Milestone For The U.S
    The population of the United States reaches the milestone of three hundred million. It took about 40 years to gain one hundred million people since the two hundredth million person was added in 1967.
  • Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

    Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
    A British Petroleum deep water oil rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico causing the largest oil spill in in the history of the United States. Eleven workers were killed and it devastated the environment. It also hurt the fishing and tourist industries in the gulf states. http://ocean.si.edu/gulf-oil-spill
  • 2nd Great Grandchilds Birth

    2nd great grandchild, Nevaeh was born on October 10th 2010