My Government, a Timeline

By EggMan
  • 3500 BCE

    Early Life

    Early settlers of the 25 districts were native to the land. Though the land would later be separated into 25 districts, they were at first only 12 tribes of natives. Most were nomads and followed the wild buffalo's migration in order to survive.
  • 487

    Invasion and conquering

    The 25 districts were invaded by a nation close by, this nation urbanized the tribes and created the separate first 10 districts, they enslaved the natives and created castles and villages
  • 550

    Rise of Tryanny

    With most/nearly all natives enslaved, The districts are assigned a ruler from the foreign invasive nation. This leader overthrows the original rulings which had a basis in democracy, and the leader starts a long reign of dictators
  • Jul 4, 600

    Civil war

    The natives organize themselves into a group of rebels in protest of the tyrannical government and the invading nation's citizens who have made the natives their slaves.
  • Mar 13, 660

    Fall of Tryanny

    Tensions rise and the government is shambling for control over their citizens and the enslaved natives. A group of natives invades the manor of the dictator, they burn down the house and brutally slaughter all members of the tyrannical reign.
  • Nov 30, 680


    The "government" has fallen and the civil war rages on. The natives and the invaders separate into factions that are govern differently. The natives favor a democratic government, calling themselves the Rebels. The other group refers to themselves as the Citizens. The main land of the invading nation however sees the the madness and starts to send reinforcements
  • May 18, 700

    Retreat from the "Citizens" Faction

    The main land of the Citizens faction calls their people back, the war had been reigning on for so long with a stalemate. The Natives win, they band together to create a functional government from the ashes.
  • Jun 19, 1000

    The Start Of Democracy

    After fifty years, Democracy finally taking it's close to modern day form. There is a President and a electoral college. They have the bare bones of what they form later on. At this point their cities are flourishing and they have conquered the other 15 districts.
  • Period: Nov 2, 1200 to

    The perfection and tweaking of democracy

    From here on out, the democracy goes through many changes and concepts are tested. The nation adopts a policy of isolation.