• Finish the Semester

    Finish the Semester with no D's or F's And only a few C's.
  • Keep My Car Payments Going Good

    Keep My Car Payments  Going Good
    Keep being on top of my payments for my new car. I will be paying 375 a month, just have to make sure I pay them on time.
  • Win our conference and then move on to State

    Win the league for our highschool soccer team and then go on and do our best to win that state title.
  • Period: to

    College Graduation

    Graduate with a bachelor's or associate's degree from whatever college I go to .
  • Pay of the Fairlady Z (370z)

    Pay of the Fairlady Z (370z)
    Have the car totally paid off.
  • Get a Good Paying Job

    Apply and get hired for a job that I like and Im happy with
  • Buy or Rent a house.

    Buy or rent a house in the location I decide to move to in the future. Make sure that I can get the house and get a loan to help start off and then pay the loan off.
  • Get Married

    Get a loan to pay for all the stuff needed and then pay that loan off.
  • Start a Family

    Start a family with the wife and be a great father.
  • Start a savings account for My kids College

    Start saving money for my children's future so they will not have to worry to much about paying for college.