Graduating high school
I have no official plan after high school -
What's next?
Now I have to start thinking what's next, I have multiple ideas I want to be a therapist, a tattoo artist, bar tender, and open my own salon -
Become a bartender
One of my close friends and I have already planned on moving out and moving to PA to start fresh at age 20. I want to become a bartender for the experience, I think it would be a good way to meet a variety of people. -
Tattoo apprenticeship
I was thinking while I'm waiting to turn 21 to become a bartender i could begin my apprenticeship which I have to do for 3 years before becoming an tattoo artist. -
Living life
At this point i should be a new tattoo artist by day and a bartender by night -
Begin looking for colleges/training programs
From saving money from bartending and being a tattoo artist I will enroll into college or program to become an high school therapist -
Going to college
Once I find the right college for me and what I'm looking for will start to complete my bachelors degree in psychology -
Becoming a high school therapist
After earning my bachelors degree I will start looking at schools to become a therapist in -
opening an salon
while being a school therapist will start saving once again, so I can start my own business -
creating something new
At this point my business should be up and running and I want to create a nail solon/tattoo shop -
by now i should have a big happy family and be ready for retirement.