My Goals

  • Get into college (long term)

    I want to get into either the University of Michigan,Flint or Austin Peay University in Clarksville Tennessee by fall 2020.
  • Graduate high school (short term)

    I want to graduate high school by may of 2020, to do so I will have to study hard in school pass all my classes with at least an 85% or higher.
  • Graduate college (long term)

    Whatever college I attend of the two I listed in another goal, I want to graduate at least 4 years after attending college with my bachelors degree maybe even masters if needed.
  • Get a career in Nursing (long term)

    I will be attending college to become a nurse and by either the year i graduate or the year after that i want to be a Registered Nurse for a good and stable business.
  • Buy my own house (long term)

    After i have been out of college for a few years i want to start looking at homes and make a purchase for my first ever home not living with my parents.