My Goals

  • Pay for summer camps

    Finances needed total $300-$600
  • Pay for vaction

    Lodging, food, transport, entertainment, etc.
  • Register for senior year

    Need money for sports, classes, etc.
  • Graduate High school

    Need cap and gown, pictures, etc.
  • Get scholarships

    Help pay for school
  • Period: to

    Graduate and pay for College

    Finances needed include tuition, room and board, book, etc.
  • Purchase new car

    Will need money to buy a new car.
  • Begin first real job

    Get a career to start earning money and to begin a life's work.
  • Buy first house

    Will most likely need house payments and loans.
  • Have children

    Children are extremely expensive
  • Send children to college

    College requires tons of money, especially for multiple people
  • Pay off house

    Will require a large amount of money