high school graduation
This is around the date that I will graduate high school. I hope to have a 4.0 GPA by that time so I will have to work much harder. I also want to be able to easily get into any college I like and to be able to get a scholarship. -
First day of college
I have lots of different colleges I have been thinking about going to. I am mostly looking at colleges in state but I have gotten letters from the university of MInnesota and the University of Nebraska. I don't plan to play any sports in college but I hope to have really good grades. -
college graduation
I hope to graduate college with a 4.0 GPA. I hope that I have a source of income as well. I would like to get a job right after but I don't expect anything that simple. -
I would really like to move to Minnesota but it is much more expensive than South Dakota. Nebraska is also more expensive but it is still much cheaper than Minnesota. If I don't move it would be okay but I would really like to move. -
First day of work
I am very excited for the first day of work! HIstory is my favorite thing ever so I hope I can teach it well. I hope I can make some of my students love history as much as me. -
I hope to get a raise by this time because I will have been working hopefully for the same school for about twenty years. I don't expect a huge raise since I will be a teacher. I do think that I should get a raise by this time because I would have been working very hard for a long time. -
After the raise I really con't have anymore future career goals. I would just be happy with the fact that I got to teach history. I hope that I had a lot of fun and awesome students! -
Retirement Day
I hope that I can retire before i'm too old. I am sure I will miss teaching but I would like being done working. I hope that I have something to look forward to doing when I retire.