my future

  • My Future

    My name is Tratozha Spruill im 17 years on i will be 18 in January the 27 im in the 11th grade i go to D.H conley When i grow up i want to be an Obstetrician-gynecologist
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    High school senior

    Im a senior in D.H Conley im doing all my nursing classes every since i was in high school since 9th grade to my senior year i will be going to a straight 4 year college i want to go to duke but duke is a really expensive school and plus my mom dont really want me to leave her knowing im not going to have nobody with me so ill just stick with ECU
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    first year college

    I'm 18 i'm starting my first year in my college at ECU If you wondering what i'm going to school for is to be an Obstetrician-gynecologist if you don't know what doctor that is , its a doctor that delivers babies
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    second year college

    This is my second year of college everything is going good all i do is work and go to school i got 4 more years to go i have so much confidence in myself
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    third year

    i'm in my third year of college i'm doing good i was hoping this year wont so bad because you know theirs times where school is getting stressful so i really hope it don't be like that for me
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    fourth year

    im in my last year of college im finna graduate but i have to i really dont have to but i want to do 2 more years of college but once i graduate im going to be trying to get a job to be a doctor i dont want to work anywhere here i want to work some where out of greenville