My five things

  • God

    God has made me in his image and he is the father. I love him more than anything else and which is why im here because im here because God made me. Also December was my birth day and God made me before i even existed.
  • T.V

    The date will never be known but I used to love T.V until Xbox came in my life but not just that but i dont like T.V now but some showes are good but the old shows that i used to watch were really good.
  • The game that changed my life

    The game that changed my life
    I was one day in my uncles room and i saw him playing this game that i had never seen before and i was interested. The game was for ever known as halo 2. I still play halo this day but not Halo 2 because sadly it got scratched. That game was one of my first and is still my favorite one. I have also played and once had them all but Halo 2 broke. So thats all im missing.
  • My first Xbox

    My first Xbox
    I was a wee little lad when i got something that is really rememberable. I was only five years old when I got my first Xbox. I didnt have any vilolent games yet but they were awesome. I still have an xbox to this day but not my first one. She died on the autum of 2006.The red ring of death was the cause of the death.
  • It's trolln time

    It's trolln time
    Around this time is when i started to like trolln. I mostly do it in video games, I do my trolln on minecraft and on a game called Battle field 2 and 3 cause it is very easy to troll on those games. It changed my life cause trolling is silly and I have been silly all my life pretty much so it lets me be my self in video games.