My Financial Life

  • Day of Birth

    Day of Birth
  • Day I came home from hospital

    Day I came home from hospital
  • Period: to

    High School 13-17

  • Got a Nintendo 3DS with my own money for $250

    Got a Nintendo 3DS with my own money for $250
  • First day of high school

    First day of high school
  • Got my first debit card

    Got my first debit card
  • Period: to

    Young Adult 18-24

  • Bought MacBook Pro for $1300

    Bought MacBook Pro for $1300
  • College Loan

    College Loan
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
  • Period: to

    Adult without children 25-34

  • Bought car for $20,000

    Bought car for $20,000
  • First Job

    First Job
  • Period: to

    Working Adult 35-44

  • Bought house for $300,000

    Bought house for $300,000
  • Bought freshwater fish aquarium

    Bought freshwater fish aquarium
  • Period: to

    Middle Age 45-54

  • Midlife Crisis- bought Nintendo World Championships Gold Cartridge for $100,000

    Midlife Crisis- bought Nintendo World Championships Gold Cartridge for $100,000
  • Elderly parents move in with me

    Elderly parents move in with me
  • Period: to


  • Bought condo in Florida for $150,000

    Bought condo in Florida for $150,000
  • Parent funeral - $7,000

    Parent funeral - $7,000
  • Period: to

    Retirement 65-over

  • Retirement

  • Start to give money to my relatives

    Start to give money to my relatives
  • Death
