My Family Life Cycle- Belle Karnes

  • Independence

    • turns 18
    • Independence is when you move out of your parents' house and take on adult responsibilities.
    • I will move out of my parents' house and into a dorm at the University of Tennessee.
  • Coupling and Marriage

    Coupling and Marriage
    • This stage is where people find someone, and start to date.
    • In this stage I will find a spouse and someone to share responsibilities with.
    • I will have a wedding.
  • Parenting

    • This stage is where couples start to have kids and start a family.
    • In this stage I will have a baby boy.
  • Launching Adult Children

    Launching Adult Children
    • This stage is when your kids leave the house and enter the independence stage of their lives. You and your spouse are by yourselves again.
    • During this phase I will be sending my kid off to college.
    • I will still be working because I have to pay college tuition for my kid.
  • Retirement

    • This stage is where you leave your job and gain a lot of free time.
    • In this stage I will be a grand mother.
    • My husband and I will also be traveling a lot in this stage