20180817 044219

My exposure to traditional/new media (De Guzman Paolo Ian Mikael B.)

By dennidg
  • The year of my Birth

    The year of my Birth
    So, it Begins.
  • Period: to

    My Experience with traditional and New Media

    by: De Guzman Paolo Ian Mikael B
  • My first Interactions (2005-2008)

    My first Interactions (2005-2008)
    My first ever interactions with traditional media was through a coloring book bought by my grandmother at the age of 4. I learned how to hold a paintbrush for the first time at the age of 5 and started using the canvas to draw (terrible) paintings. By the time I was 6 years old, I started mlearning more intricate learning books from school and at home.
  • Child Development (2008-2010)

    Child Development (2008-2010)
    This time my knowledge on basic traditional media was fine but my ambition to have more "fun" with the technology that was blessed to us as children grew, so my parents bought a "PSP"(new media) to satisfy and distract myself through virtual games bought online. Reading books were all around my house so that I would be able to develop my essential skills in life, television was also another traditional media that used quite often to keep me entertained.
  • From Pubescent to Adolescent (2011-2013)

    From Pubescent to Adolescent (2011-2013)
    My exposure to new media was significant at this time, I get to use a computer, read in the internet online, played with my ps3 and also did some writing for personal reasons in a word document. I also got to more intricate levels of reading and (forced) to read the daily news in the newspaper.
  • A teenager in the world of new media (2014-2016)

    A teenager in the world of new media (2014-2016)
    Exposure to traditional media for me at this time was only throughs school or during free times at the weekend. I mostly used technology (new media) for most parts in my life, even get to meet new friends through online communicating through headphones with a mic (games) or through texting or calling in a cell phone.
  • Senior years (2017-2018)

    Senior years (2017-2018)
    This was almost the end of my years in my high school life and soon I'll be off to college, but during these years, most of my works were created in laptops and rarely in written in paper. A lot of my assignments were mostly about research (Thesis) and a lot of time doing the drafts to perfect our results, It was tiresome but this showed us how new media can be the new replacement of the traditional media, although some essential traditional media like books should be kept throughout the years.