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My Exposure To Traditional And New Media

  • Exposure to Books

    Exposure to Books
    In this Year, for the first time the little me discover a book and my mother taught me how to read one.
  • Newspaper Reveal itself

    Newspaper Reveal itself
    While my parents and I where buying in store, I chance upon a paper with many words that I can't understand, later I found out that the words are English and the thing that I saw is a newspaper.
  • Watching and listening to Television and Radio

    Watching and listening to Television and Radio
    During this time, I discover the television and radio, this wonderful thing brings me and my family joy. We watch together and listen to music to the television and radio.
  • Being Exposed to New technology

    Being Exposed to New technology
    My Mother bought a computer to us in this year, it's to help us in our study. I find it fascinating how the computer works
  • Smartphone, Here I come!

    Smartphone, Here I come!
    During this year, my parents decided to buy me a smartphone. I was excited when I learn about it and when I receive the smartphone I find it helpful and enjoyable till this day.
  • Starting to learn about the usage of technology

    Starting to learn about the usage of technology
    I learned about different things from the different kinds of technology, like how to use them, what site I can use for my advantage.