Ever since I was a kid, my parents would always buy me books and teach me how to read. The attached image was one of the books I'd always read. I can also remember the times my mom would read the Bible with my sister and I for bedtime. Image Source: https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/Disney-Princess-CarryAlong-Treasury-Part-of-Carry-Along-Treasury-By-Rita-Balducci/PRD746FFI0U3SWY -
My mom used to work overseas so to communicate with her, my dad would call her through a computer software and we would talk via video call. Image Source: http://www.dansdata.com/wccomp.htm -
Back when I was 3 years old, my family would visit the friend of my parents at their house and I can recall that I used to play with their typewriter. Image Source: https://bizfluent.com/how-8461348-clear-margins-typewriters.html -
In the same year, I can recall that my sister and I used to play with our play station before while waiting for my dad to come home from work. Image Source: http://www.digitalimage4k.com/category/equipment/crt-television/ -
Digital Camera
My dad used to own a digital camera and would teach me how to use it. Back then, I would also accompany him, from time to time, to the store where we would have pictures developed. Image Source: https://www.trustedreviews.com/reviews/canon-digital-ixus-100-is -
Flip Phones
Back when selfies weren't coined, my dad and I would take pictures of ourselves using a rotating camera in his flip phone. Image Source: https://www.mobilegazette.com/retro-2004-11x05x18.htm -
This was the time I first learned how to use a computer. I used to spend hours playing dress up games online. Regardless of being entertained by it, my computer teacher taught me how to use it properly. Image Source: https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/old-computer-11119781862.html -
LCD Projector
For learning purposes, I remember going to our computer room where our teacher would set-up the projector and make us watch Bill Nye, the Science Guy, videos. Image Source: http://moesrealm.com/home-theater/retired-equipment/sanyo-plv-60-lcd-projector/ -
OHP Projector
Though I was exposed to a LCD projector at an earlier age, it wasn't long before I learned how to use an overhead projector. Our teachers used to use it and I, like my other classmates, would always volunteer to be the one to change the film. Image Source: https://www.universetoday.com/19296/of-overhead-projectors-and-planetarium-foolishness/ -
Nintendo DS
After some years of working overseas, my mom decided to stay with us permanently. As a gift from coming home, she gave both my sister and I a Nintendo DS. Image Source: https://www.rewindcollectables.co.uk/Nintendo_DS_Lite_Pink_Used/p787332_17636463.aspx -
My dad used to tell me that I was too young and wasn't responsible enough to have my own phone so instead, my sister gave me her old QWERTY phone. Image Source: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Original-Nokia-C3-00-Rose-Unlocked-Bluetooth-QWERTY-Keypad-Hebrew-language-phone-/252293443986 -
6th grade would probably be the first time I actually listened to a transistor radio. The only radio I used to listen to was the one in the car stereo system. Image Source: http://www.amstereo.org/radios.htm -
iPod Touch
This was the year that I owned my first ever gadget which was an iPod touch. I remember downloading apps and exploring how to use it by myself. Image Source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Apple-iPod-Touch-4th-Generation-8GB-16GB-32GB-64GB-Black-/372230211675 -
After less than a year of owning an iPod touch, my parents bought a MacBook as a family laptop. No one in the family used it often so I was the one who kept it and used it. Image Source: https://www.ebay.com/bhp/macbook-white -
iPhone 4S
Although an iPod is a gadget, this was the time that I owned my first ever phone which was an iPhone 4S. It wasn't exactly brand new but from the time we had it, no one payed any attention to it so my mom decided to give it to me. Image Source: https://gadgets360.com/shop/unboxed-iphone-4s-white-32-gb-343330332d37323738 -
ASUS Laptop
After almost 2 years of using my MacBook, which got broken, my parents decided to buy a new laptop that is now used by most members of our family. Image Source: http://www.techtree.com/content/reviews/3226/review-asus-vivobook-s550cm.html -
SLR Camera
Last year, my aunt sent us a package with an old SLR camera that used up film. I was taught how to use it and how they used to develop pictures back then but I never really got to use it. Image Source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Canon-AE-1-35mm-SLR-Film-Camera-with-FD-50-mm-lens-Kit-/183372394130?oid=392101003115 -
iPhone 6
This is my current phone and would be the most frequent gadget I use. I use it in all aspects such as for communication, for sharing information, to store pictures, and for entertainment Image Source: https://www.luluwebstore.com/Products/Lulu1-Mobiles--Tablets-Mobiles-Smart-Phones/Apple/Apple-iPhone-6-Plus-128GB-Gold/pid-8255784.aspx -
Smart TV
This year would also be the year where in I was exposed to using a smart TV. We have one in our school and my classmates and I have been exploring on what we can do with the TV. Image Source: http://floridasofficesupplies.com/product/etec-40e750-40-class-e750-series-1080p-led-hdtv/