My experience with technology

By mlz23
  • First desktop windows 98 by microsoft

    I had my first experience(s) with technology with my family's windows desktop computer which back then ran on Windows 98. I spent hours playing computer games and learning how to use the dial-up modem
  • First cellphone by motorola

    I had my very first cellphone which was a motorola C200. I remember being excited that it had the game pong on it
  • First ipod ipod mini by apple

    I got my first ipod and it was my favorite thing to use. I was able to download all my music onto it and listen to it after school.
  • First iphone by apple

    I had gone back and forth between a few different cell phones at this point, but this is around when I phones began to emerge. I had my first Iphone at the beginning of 2008.
  • Laptops by toshiba

    I had gone through some laptops and had a toshiba laptop to use for schoolwork etc.