Fisher Act
School leaving age raised to 14. -
The Hadow Report
The Hadow Report introduced selection at 11 for students to go to either secondary modern schools or grammar schools -
Butler Education Act
Free education until the age of 18, but only compulsory until the age of 15. Selection for secondary schools using the 11-plus test. If the 11-plus was passed students could go to grammar school, although, if it was failed students would have to go to secondary modern school. There was also an option to go to Technical schools regardless of whether or not the 11-plus was passed or failed, these had an emphasis on practical skills to go into work. -
Circular 10/65
Circular 10/65 declared the governments intention to "end selection at 11-plus and to eliminate separation in secondary school education." (Chitty, 2002, P.18) -
Circular 10/70
Circular 10/70 withdrew the requirement for Local Educataion Authorities to become comprehensive. -
School leaving age raised to 16.
The Cockroft Report
The Cockroft Report is an important report in the history of mathematics. The report stated that teachers should enable students to develop mathematical skills and understanding required for adult life, for employment and further training. There was a big emphasis on how important mathematics is in everyday life and why the subject should be appreciated. -
O-levels changed to GCSE'S
Education Reform Act
Following the Education Reform Act the national curriculum was introduced as a nationwide curriculum for primary and secondary education. Testing was introduced to standardise the content taught in order to raise standards of attainment. GCSE'S were intorduced and attainment targers were set. -
SAT's were introduced in state schools for all 7 year olds. -
Introduction of the A*
In 1994 the A* was brought into GCSE grading. -
SAT's introduced in state schools for all 11 year olds. -
Education Act
All schools have courses in Religious Education but parents can opt their children out. Schools are forced to prove sex education lessons are taking place. -
The day I was born
I was born at Wodsley hospital on the 31st of December 1996. -
A third SAT exam introduced to all 14 year olds. Also more education laws are introduced to ensure older pupils are given courses in careers education. -
Began Nursery
In 2000, when i was three years old, I began nursery at Netherton C of E primary school. This would have been my first experience being away from the comforts of home and i found settling in very difficult to begin with. -
AS structure
In 2000 there were changes to the A level Structure, where AS levels were introduced. -
Beginning of Reception
In September 2001 after two years of Nursery I moved on to reception. -
Education Act
An education act was introduced in order to raise standards, promote innovation and reofrm education law. State Schools must offer at least one of the following subjects; The arts, Design and Technology, The Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages. -
Year 2 Sats
In year two at the age of 7 I had sats exams, in Mathematics and Literacy, in order to track my progress in education and also to set targets for my future examinations. -
There was a review of the Key Stage 3 curriculum in order to reduce content. -
Narrowed Curriculum
The government were heavily criticised for telling schools to strip back the national curriculum, removing Churchill and Hitler from the syllabus in favour of courses in debt management, the environment and healthy eating. -
Year 6 Sats
In June 2008 I had sats examinations for Mathematics, Literacy and Science. These exams where to examine what I had learnt throughout my education in primary school. -
Leaving Primary School
I finished my time at Netherton C of E with an assembly in the St Andrews Church in Netherton. -
Started Secondary School
I began Secondary School at Hillcrest School and Community College, a new experience for me with my old friends from primary school ready to meet new friends and a new way of learning. -
A* introduced into A level examinations
Changes to the curriculum
SATS at KS3 were scrapped, Science SATS at KS2 were also scrapped. -
In 2010 began a period of major experimentation in English Education. -
Education Schemes Scrapped
Michael Gove announces he is scrapping a range of educational schemes to save money. -
English Baccalaureate
The English baccaluareate was introduced in 2010, this affected my education as this meant I had to take at least one humanities subject and one language. -
Beginning of GCSE examinations
My GCSE examinations began as early as year 9 in the January of 2011 as I was put through for early entry for Mathematics. I had 3 Papers in total, the first two were in year 9 with the final paper in year 10. -
There was a review of the National Curriculum due to a change in government. More British literature and British history. -
The Vorderman Report
The Vorderman Report suggested that Mathematics should be taught as a subject to be enjoyed and understood rather than a set of complicated rules to be crammed into the brain in order to pass a test. The Report suggests that to meet the economic challenges we were facing the system of mathematics had to change. -
Completion of GCSE examinations
At the end of May i had completed all of my GCSE examinations. -
Leaving Secondary School
In June 2013 I left Secondary school ready to move on to college after my prom at Spring Grove House. -
Started King Edwards College
I moved on to King Edwards College, this was the beginning of many challenges that were at first hard to cope with. This meant an hours travel which I had never experienced previously as i lived very local to the schools. Another challenge was meeting new people and of course, the new difficulty in learning. -
Changes in Curriculum
Probability and statistics introduced to Mathematics testing. Programmes of study and attainment targets set for all subjects and all four key stages. The majority of the curriculum was introduced in September 2014 with the exceptions being Mathematics, Science and English. -
Programme of study
The National Curriculum set out a programme of study and attainment targets for all subjects at all four key stages. All local-authority-maintained schools in England must teach these programmes of study. -
English and Maths Changes
The new programmes of study and attainment targets were introduced in september 2015 for pupils in Year 2, Year 6 and Year 10. These changes will apply to pupils in Year 11 in September 2016. The Science curriculum will come into force for Year 10 pupils in September 2016 and for Year 11 pupils in 2017. -
The beginning of life at Wolverhampton University
Induction week started on the 5th of october 2015, this is where i got my first taste for university life and registered for my courses.