Camera 006

My Evolving Life

  • My Birth

    I was born around 6:00PM in St. Joseph's Hospital in Ypsilanti, Michigan.
  • PreNatal Development And Birth

    I was brought home from the hospital.
    Biosocial- This changed my environment to a room at my parents home, where it was decorated in an animal theme for a girl.
    Cognitive- At this age I could not fully see with my eyes however I was aware of who my mother was by her voice and her heartbeat.
    Psychosocial- I could not interact much except to cry in hunger, or if uncomfortable. I was told that I was a very calm and quiet baby.
  • First Two Years

    On my second birthday I recall getting my favorite present of all, a puppy.
    Biosocial- At this phase I was somewhat aware that I was a girl and was therefore given toys for my birthday that consisted of barbies, cabbage patch dolls, feminine clothings, and my puppy.
    Cognitive- I had a very nieve attitude and paid attention to things that were brightly colored, or interesting to touch.
    Psychosocial- I interacted with my immediate family or mainly my pets.
  • Early Childhood

    I started my first day of school.
    Biosocial- I generally played with other girls in class, and enjoyed art projects or dressing up.
    Cognitive- I paid attention to my teacher and was very respectful of what she said.
    Psychosocial- I was extrememly quiet, involved in school daily as well as soccer, swimming, gymnastics, and brownies.
  • Middle Childhood

    I was in 5th grade and this was when I started to develop some social issues due to problems at home.
    Biosocial- I excelled at all sports and was the top female athlete at school, I played competitive travel soccer at a premier level.
    Cognitive- I was in the T.A.G. program with a select group of other 5th graders from the district so my emphasis was on education.
    Psychosocial- This was the time my home life began to effect me socially. I was withdrawn, quiet, and often unresponsive to strangers
  • Adolescence

    I was adjusting to my first year of high school- juggling work, boys, education, all the while developing a plan to leave home.
    Biosocial- I was involved with some close girlfriends who I enjoyed shopping, trying new hairstyles with, and talking to.
    Cognitive- My attitude on education lessened, I wanted attention only from friends or boys, and decided work was a top priority.
    Psychosocial- After breaking my leg my soccer career was over, and my interaction was limited to a few close friends.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    I graduated high school and moved out of my parents home at the age of 17. I lived alone renting a condo in livonia and worked 2 jobs.
    Biosocial- I worked full time as a supervisor at a pet resort, and as a dental assistant. Living alone was frowned on as a female
    Cognitive- My attitude was why not for everything, I only counted on myself, did not understand social barriers, and was often seen as an old soul by others.
    Psychosocial- I enjoyed work and strived to be the best in that environment.
  • Adulthood

    My fiance and I officially started dating, and I took on the role of being a step mother.
    Biosocial- I became an excellent cook, caregiver to my children, and developed a neat organized home. While I am still a tomboy I now let my fiance handle more manly tasks.
    Cognitive- My children brought me to the decision to return to school in hopes of a better financial future for them, my attitude is no longer on myself the focus is my family.
    Psychosocial- I do not socialize with the exception work.
  • Moving Day

    When my daughter is finished with school we plan on moving out of our 2 bedroom home. Biosocial- I will be packing and organizing making sure the house is in order to move. Cognitive- I will be very worried and stressed trying to work, school, kids, and moving. Psychosocial- I will negotiate with the moving company, realtors and homeowners. Trying to make the process as smooth as possible.
  • My Wedding Day

    I plan on taking a beautiful 2 week vacation with my fiance during which we will get married. Biosocial- I plan to be a beautiful bride wearing a feminine dress and letting him sweep me off my feet. Cognitive- I will be nervous, happy, and focused on enjoying our break from the everday. Psychosocial- The wedding will be intimate, just us on a beach so interaction with others will be limited.
  • Graduation

    At this point I hope to be finished with my Masters Program. Biosocial- Although I am a female I intend to hold my ground in the medical field while working among several men trying to keep gender out of the picture. Cognitive- I will be anxious about a new track in life, and focused on finding the best job that will keep me involved in surgery. Psychosocial- I will be interacting with my family and coworkers at my new place of emplyment.
  • Dream Home

    I have hopes that one year after graduating I will be in a place to start building a dream home. Biosocial- I did alot of work in my first home so although I am a female I will most likely voice my opinion on the project as most men would. Cognitive- I will be excited and extrememly anxious over the details however struggling to keep focus at work. Psychosocial-I would have family interaction, as well as coworkers who will still be helping me on the job, and constuction workers to speak to.
  • Late Adulthood

    I will be 35 and have hopes of being in a much better place both financially as well as mentally.
    Biosocial- I hope to still be a great mother and wife but also be employed as a Physician Assistant.
    Cognitive- My attitude would still be a focus on my family but hopefully I will have the financially ability to do things that I enjoy as well.
    Psychosocial- I hope to be able to interact with others besides my family more by being involved in sports, yoga, clubs, and other organizations.
  • Considering another child

    At the age of 36 I would consider having more children. Biosocial- I would be going through an emotional time, missing when my children were babies. Seeing friends having children and nesting. Cognitive- I would be emotional, happy, anxious, and scared that if I elected to have children my Lupus may present a problem. Psychosocial- I would still be working up until I was forced to stop and may consider taking time off if we were financially able. My interaction would be with family and coworkers
  • Retirement

    I have high hopes to retire at the age of 60 before summer so I can enjoy the weather. Biosocial- I would hope to get back into activities I enjoy such as yoga, jogging, gardening, and maybe tending to grandchildren. Cognitive- I would be focused on relaxing and enjoying life. Psychosocial- I would see my husband, children, and friends often due to more free time.
  • Death and Dying

    I hope to live to see the age of 87, I need at least another 60 years.
    Biosocial- I would hope to be with my husband still and if their is a god then we would go holding hands as the couple recently on the news did.
    Cognitive- My attitude would be calm because there are not many important decisions left to be made at that point in life.
    Psychosocial- I would hope to have some interaction with my grandchildren and be living in my home still with my husband.