Where I'm From
I was born and raised in Woodstock, Georgia
I had lots of friends, but mostly dad’s tennis friends
Always with my best friend, who was also my neighbor
Moved out of Bascomb and out of my house Went from Wyngate to Towne Lake
The move wasn’t big, but my friendship faded
Made a new friend, my new next door neighbor
Sixth grade was rough, but I met my best friend
18 now and kept her around since then My sister is off to college and I live with my little brother
He gets annoying but he’s my buddy -
First Day of School
This day was one of the first days of my life as a highschool student. My friends and I were really excited. We met in the C lobby every morning before school as freshman. When we first got here, we just wanted to fit in with the older kids. High School was a big jump from middle school. Everything was huge compared to middle school and not walking in lines was the coolest thing to us. -
How Track all started
This marks the first season of Track and Field. The best thing that could've ever happened to me. Coming into Etowah, I wasnt in shape at all. One of my best friends who lives next to me challenged me. I bet him that he would quit after the first couple of weeks and I would stick with it. I never backed down o a challenge. We still run to this day together. I became a Varsity runner and pole vaulter. The shape I was in had improved by a land slide. -
First Season of Cross Country
I made alot of friends in my first year of track and all of them pushed me to sign up for cross country. Easily one of the hardest and most competitive sports I have ever done. My summer training had to be the hardest. My best friend was on the Varsity team, so I wasnt allowed to run with her until I was faster. I decided to start running with them and it almost killed me. I ended my season with a varsity spot and I lost 18 pounds that summer. My life changed after that and I dont regret a secon -
My bestfriend joins the team
Daysha and I have been best friends since 6th grade. It took a lot of convincing but I finally got her to sign up to run with me. She hated it and hates it to this day, but she doesnt regret signing up year after year. Track and Cross Country was no longer a passion of mine, but it became 10x more fun for me. Running with her was so fun and I wish it wasnt over. -
Junior Homecoming
This picture shows me how much older I had gotten since the previous dance. My friends and I got all dressed up for dinner and had a lot of fun. This was the first dance of highschool that I really enjoyed. -
My third year of Track and Field was one of my best. I cleared 8 feet 6 inches, which was my new personal best at my first meet. The summer training had paid off. Which brings me to the first sectionals meet I ever qualified for. Unfotunately, I no- heighted at this meet and didnt move on to state. This day taught me an important lesson as an athlete. I had to accept my defeat and understand that there will always be some bumps in the road. -
Senior Prom
The last prom was really fun. All of my friends reunited for the second year in a row. We had fun at the dance but most of the fun was at my house. I wont forget this night in highschool. -
Senior Pictures
This is when being a senior really kicked in and became real to me. Lauren Oglesby and I have been friends since we ere in diapers. Taking these pictures all grown up and putting them on a post card for a graduation party was so unreal. This day showed me how truly grown up I am. We talked about where we are going next and moving out. -
Senior Track Banquet
Saying goodbye to all of my track friends is when graduation became real. Most of my friends are juniors and saying goodbye to them was not easy. -
Where I'm Going
Graduating from Etowah, and now I’m going West
My high school experience was not the best
I’m happy to move forward and leave this place behind
Marine Biology major, UGA is where I'll shine
I don’t know where college will take me
But I know I’ll eventually be in the sea
Which is what I love and there's nowhere I'd rather be -
Period: to
Where I'm Going
Graduating from Etowah, and now I’m going West
My high school experience was not the best
I’m happy to move forward and leave this place behind
Major in Marine Biology, might transfer to University of GA
I don’t know where college will take me
But I know I’ll be in ocean eventually
Which is what I love -
Chandler Riggs!
I dont even watch "The Walking Dead" but I got to meet someone famous and my brother loves him. He goes to school with us and talking to him at a football game was really cool.