Volunteer work
I started to do volunteer work to get volunteer hours the beginning of July 2013 and I am still working on getting more hours. So far, I have a total of 140 hours.
From July 2013 to August 2013, I was the coaches assistant for U-5 for the Shedden Soccer Club. I assisted the soccer coach during practices and games.
From September 2013 to April 2014, I taught young children how to skate, for the Port Stanley Skating Club.
I also volunteered to do booth sales for the Port Stanley Skating Club. -
Resume created
Job interview
I had a job interview at Dairy Queen, but I didn't get the job. -
I got the honour roll in grade 8. -
Special school experiences
I plan to take coop in grade 11. -
Work experiences
I plan to get a job. -
Special achievements
Over the march break that is coming up, I am going to London, England and Paris, France. -
High school graduation
I will graduate highschool when I finish grade 12. -
Start of post-secondary
I plan to go to Western University for nursing. -
Buy my first car
Rent your own apartment/or buy a house
I plan to buy my own house if I have the money to. -
Completion of Post-Secondary
I plan to graduate from the nursing program at Western. -
Move out of your guardians house
I plan to move out of my parents house when I move to Toronto and get a job. -
I plan to relocate to Toronto. -
Start of career
I plan to work at the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. -
Life change- Family
When I am ready, I plan to get married and have 2 kids.