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My Educational Journey

By susiemc
  • I was born

    Today was the first day of the rest of my life
  • First day of school

    At age 5 I began Grade 1 at Stanley Jones Elementary in Calgary, I had to be bussed from the acreage and it was an eventful walk everyday to and from the bus stop. Lucky for me I had my big brothers and sister to take me.
  • Move to a new school

    My mom and dad divorced and the acreage was sold. We moved into the City for a little while and I started grade 6 at Pineridge Elementary
  • Moving again!

    My mom hated being in the city and bought a restaurant in Nanton. Here we go in the middle of grade 6 to another new school for me.
  • Graduation day!

    Finally! The end of the road for school.... until I decide on a collage and a career path anyway. Taking a year off to figure things out.
  • Olds College

    Well my boyfriend told me I wanted to go to Olds College with him, and my family insists that I want to take business studies, so off I go to live in the dorm.
  • Goodbye Olds

    I did not want to go to Olds and I do not want to take business studies. I am out of here! Back to the work force until I figure things out.
  • Finally figured things out! Hello University of Lethbridge

    I have decided to leave the workforce and jobs I really don't enjoy and go back to University to become a teacher. It's about time really.
  • Goodbye University of Lethbridge and Hello University of Alberta

    The required GPA to get into the BEd program at U of L is insane, I have been accepted to several other programs but I know people in Edmonton so I am Northern bound!
  • Thank you Jesus it's time to Graduate!

    Finally I can leave the great white North! I am done my BEd and heading to England to teach. Very excited!
  • And so it begins again

    I have decided to finally go after my MEd, it's only taken me 7 years since I had declared that I was going to return home to Canada, get my MEd and then possibly return back to the UK. I'm getting my MEd but I am not returning to the UK.... time has a way of changing things when you least expect it.