My Education Timeline

  • Kindergarten

    I remember I was sad to go to school when my mother was going out school i crying , I remember to I sleep in every class but now this years do part of me.
    I remember every class we went to a playground was so cool.
  • First grade

    First grade
    In first grade i was felling kind of a bigger adult, more responsible and etc,and we had 2 materials and 2 teachers who were Portugues was Prof Leia and English prof Leticia.
  • My friends

    My friends
    in Oswaldo Cruz in my class haved many friends but when we go to Fundação Envangélica we was diveded in three classes,we sometimes saw in the break of Fundação Envangélica but it is in my memory is not the same thing we just say hi.
  • Soccer classes

    Soccer classes
    In Oswaldo Cruz i do soccer with many friends was every thursday i was one of the best i was doing goals in every classes, i was excited every Thursday to play ball with my friends and love soccer until today.
  • Night Track

    Night Track
    The Night Track was the best place we went in the school we ate pizza,we play soccer in a small lake, we saw many animals it was an open place,fresh air many fun things and still be with your friends! and etc.
  • 6th grade

    6th grade
    In 6th grade was difficult in online but in the last of the year was in school but everyone was with mask and we went to Gasper park was very cool!
  • Acident

    I'm never going to fade the accidents that happened at school like the last one that was a little funnybecause we were in the playground normally and out of nowhere a pole starts to strarate and catches fire and had people who got nervous but had even teachers having a coffee just watching as our old teacher Carlos
  • Club José

    Club José
    we loved an auxilar and we ended up creating the club of José he was so cool that he arrived with style dancing with a song that my gang put and he will be one of my memories too.
  • Gasper Park

    Gasper Park
    Gasper Park was i place we went with the all 6th grades was ,in the had park zipline, bungue jump,human slingshot,paint ball, climbing, restaurant,animals and all my friends! we do a lunch with our classmates with candys and snacks
  • Fundação Evangélica

    Fundação Evangélica
    Im am now in Fundação Envangélica but i ever gonna remember all moments i haved in Oswaldo Cruz the helpers,teachers,classmates,friends, here is going good but im dont i adapted myself still here as No Oswaldo Cruz as i knew the names of all playgrounds.