My Education Timeline

  • Kindergarden

    My kindergarden in Oswaldo Cruz was very good! I remember the first day, my mom got chocked, because I said to her I would go to class all alone. I don't remember my teachers. I also remember that we could sleep and play all day, it was very funny. I didn't knew how to read, or write.
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    My first grade at Oswaldo Cruz was very cool! I liked it a lot! We had classes with a teacher named Leia. We also met a paper robot called Escovado! He spoke only if we read to him! I remember when we saw him, we read some instructions and teacher Leia used a app for him to talk! We loved him, but one day he desapeared and left us notes! It was very fun!
  • Castelo Kebach

    Castelo Kebach
    On first grade, we went to a place called Castelo Kebach. I really loved that day, and I still remember some things about it! I remember that we talked to a "monster" that said that was gonna eat us, we saw a witch trap a princess and rescued her! I also remember everyone shouted because we saw a witch broom fallen in the ground, when we were on top of the castle, and in the stairs a witch showed up! It was a very nice day! In the picture there are some of my friends and me!
  • Dance Classes

    Dance Classes
    When I still was a kid, my parents took me to ballet classes. I remember presenting for thousands of people and enjoining it a lot! In 2017, I changed from ballet to contemporary dance classes! Again, in 2020 there were no classes because of covid. But im also doing dance classes in 2022 (this year)!
  • Drama Class

    Drama Class
    In 2017, I first entered drama class. It was so nice that I fell in love with it! I liked it allot and I was in a drama club until 2020, that was when the pandemic started. We couldn't do drama class in pandemic, so I got really sad. But, now in 2022, im gonna do it again!
  • Night Track

    In fourth year, we went to Quinta da Estância! We did a track on the night, enjoyed a lot, played soccer in the mud, there were prices for who spoke most Spanish, English and much more! We enjoyed it a lot! In the end of the trip, we ate marshamallows and smores and sang in the front of the fire! It was a magical day!
  • Cambridge Exam

    In our fourth year, we had a cambridge exam! In the afternoon, we went to Porto Alegre, and did the exams! After we finished, we watched a bit of Shrek and played videogames! I remember I bought an mint bubblegum! I also remember that I was very nervous while doing the test, because I thought it would be hard, but actually it was very, very easy!
  • Fifth Grade

    My fifth grade was harder than I imagined. There was covid, and a lot of stuff changed. We had online classes, and also we were very sad. Covid had put us far from each other for a year! I remember I loved to play a game called Roblox!! I played it all day! We also met some of the sixth grade teachers in the fifth year! We loved them!<3 Taking off covid, it was a very good fifth year!!
  • Sixth grade

    Sixth grade
    I think the sixth grade was one of the best years I had in Oswaldo Cruz! When I was there, I still had a close relationship with persons who don't talk to me now, everyone laughed a lot, the classes always were nice, my friends were very cool.. This year I think everything changed and now everything seems harder. I'll have to find my place again, i'll have to learn where to go again and much more! But I feel it will be very nice and cool! I made a lot of new friends and i liked the teachers!
  • Last days of classes

    In the last days of class, we did a lot of cool activities! My favourite one, was the aquatic activities we had! I liked to go on the water slide that was there! It was huge!! I also liked the bubble soccer a lot! After that, we all had to change clothes and more. But I think we spend two hours there! We also could go to school late, because they let us go at 8:20am. It was very nice!