My Education Timeline

  • Gente moleque daycare

    While being my first school, I only stayed there for two months or so. I was very little and got sick within the first weeks so I had to quit. When I got better I changed schools; I started at Pingo de Gente. Also worth mentioning that I have absolutly no memory of this place whatsoever.
  • Pingo de Gente Pre-school

    So yeah. I moved to this school very early. I could actually count this as my first school because I spent a lot of time there and almost none at Gente Moleque. From pre-school until the last year of pre-school was my time there. But after that I moved again. But not only schools... countries.
  • England: Castle Cary Primary School

    So I moved to England. Why? Umm.. Not sure, but I think my family wanted to travel abroad for new experiences. I went to Castle Cary and started at Castle Cary Primary school. I spent the whole year in England, until I moved back. This experience was very exiting and new.
  • Marista Piu XII

    Then I traveled back to Brasil. I then went to Marista Piu XII. I went there because my best friends from Pingo de Gente were there too. But it didn't last long because Marista Piu XII barely had any english classes and my parent's didn't want me to forget how to speak english well. I went to Oswaldo Cruz. But that's not the end of the story...
  • Oswaldo Cruz Part 1

    You must be asking why I put Part 1 in the title. We'll get back to that. ANYWAY... I started at Oswaldo Cruz because it was bilingual and good for my english. But when my parents had to break the news... I wasn't very happy. And that at the very least. Though I got used to it and now see that I shouldn't had made a big deal about it.
  • Oswaldo Cruz Part 2

    Forth year I spent in Caxias do Sul (RS), or so you thought. You see, at the end of the school year, around November, I moved back and just in time for the night track, a super awesome field trip. Very fun. very lucky. Everything was fine until the 5th year came around...
  • La Salle Carmo

    Long story short, I had to move to Caxias do Sul (RS), and therefore had to change schools. This was one of, if not the most, boring and hard working school year I ever had. I was always carrying around a GIGANTIC school book, and I'd get homework every day. EVERY DAY. This was very tiring, but I made some friends out of it so, glass half full I guess?
  • On-line Classes

    This part is so freaking annoying that I don't even want to talk about it. With the Covid-19 spreading and killing thousands, we had to social distance, therefore studying at home from our computers. I missed normal classes so dang much, and I had to use a mask wherever I went. My whole 5th year was made up of on-line classes.
  • Back to Normal Classes... ish

    2021 was a big year for me. I was in 6th grade and very happy we got to go to school in person. Of course we had to wear masks which was quite annoying, but I got used to it from 2020. This was my final year in Oswaldo Cruz. I was quite nervous to go to Fundação. Here's how it went...
  • Fundação Evangélica

    Now we are on the same page. I just left Oswaldo to come here to Fundação Evangélica. Since I haven't expirienced a whole year here I'm going to say how I'm liking it. I love the freedom we have here and how much stuff there is to do. I enjoy the classes and while I may get very tired sometimes I really enjoy this change of pace.