My Education Timeline

  • Kindergarten

    Kindergaten, a time when i played and didi'nt have so mutch to sudy. At least i enjoyed while i could. Studiying on oswaldos kindergarten was great
  • 1° Grade

    I was realy ancious to go to the first grade, but after all it was realy good. I played a lot and learned the most important things at the wolrd, Writing and Reading. Thetcher Dani and Leca teatched me that.
  • Soccer classes

    I had soccer classes at river, i had classes with gustavo and joão gabriel, he got off the school on fifth grade. I remember enjoying a lot those lasses
  • Judo classes

    I had judo on the school and there i started to enjoy sports, i remeber of my granda watching me fitgh. I enjoyed alot.
  • Nitgh track

    The nitgh track was one of the best trips we had, we had all day long to play and to do activities, the activities where: Zipline, Football in clay, Gincana, Tree climbing and climbing. We staied there until 10 am!
  • Cambridge exam

    At the fourth grade we had the cambridge exam, i remember to be realy ancious for the cambridge exam but after the test i felt better
  • Online classes

    I remember hating online classes because my internet was realy bad and offtenly the teatchers disconected, and it didn't was as good as face to face classes
  • Basketball classes

    Recently i started to have basketball classes, i realy enjoy basketball and i hope i get realy good at the game :D
  • Athletics class

    I started to do athletics this year, i realy enjoy athletics class because of my mom, she was an athlete oncea time.
  • 7th grade

    7th grade is realy good, as long that we are at the 7th grade its realy good.