My Education Timeline

  • Kindergarten

    When I started to go to school I was 3 years old. I really enjoyed my first years of school, my teachers, my friends, and I always though I would get lost. In classes we usually drew things, we played with some toys and sometimes a little homework that today is really easy to make.
  • Dance classes

    When I was 5 years old, I started to make dance classes. It was really funny to dance with my friends and learn the names of the dance steps (most of them were in french and we couldn't understand it well, so the teachers made funny names for them). In every year, the whole school make a show with the groups' dances about the selected cathegory.
  • First grade

    The first grade wasn't a good year to me. I had a very good teacher called Clementina that was always happy with us, but later, she was replaced by another teacher called Fernanda. She wasn't a good teacher to me and she wasn't always happy with our group.
  • Swimming

    My family always wanted me to learn how to swim, so when I learned a bit at home, my parents put me on a swimming school. I didn't like it so much because I didn't like the teacher so I always was angry to go to the swimming school. I stopped swimming for a bit but I will do it again so I can learn and won't drown.
  • Roller classes

    I was 8 years old when most of the girls in my group were doing roller classes so I asked my parents to enter the classes. I tried to make experimental classes but in the end I realized it wasn't for me so I didn't make more roller classes.
  • Cambridge exams

    In my first Cambridge exam I was 9 years old. The day before it, I was really nervous and excited but I knew I was prepared. When we went to school, the three groups went to Porto Alegre in buses. I did really well it and my results were amazing making my family proud of me.
  • Piano classes

    I was 9 years old when I started to make piano classes. My teacher is called Marcia and she is really funny. I learned the notes, how to enter in the rithym, and many other things. Sometimes I played othe instruments and it was really funny.
  • Reading club

    I was 9 years old when me and my sister decided to enter the school's reading club that happened on the wednesdays' evening, in the library. It was really funny. There were many children there and two teachers. We usually read books and discused it when we finished.
  • Fifth grade

    I was 10 years old and it was the year that started the pandemic so we had online classes. It was really hard for me to pay attention because my internet didn't help me too much and sometimes I traveled in my mind while the teacher was explaining something very important.
  • Seventh grade

    I was (am) 12 years old when one of the biggest changes of my life. I went to another school wich is very huge, now I have new classmates and teachers and new subjects to study. It was really hard for me in the beggining because I'm bad at making new friends and I didn't nkow the most of the people in the new group.