My Education Timeline

By M_Css28

    I made many different dance classes, like tap dance, ballet, contemporary dance and hip hop. My sister and I took dance classes at the same place, called "Fernanda Carvalho Dance Studio". I started dancing with 2 years old, but I stoped with 7, in 2017.

    With 5 years old I entered in the Kindergarten, at São Matheus. There I made friends that I still talk too. I liked there, because we made funny things and cool activities.

    At the first grade I entered to Oswaldo Cruz. I started there without other friends, but after a week I was with many new friends! I liked very much to study there.

    We went to an art exhibition of an artist that work with dead nature. Was very cool, was a "big" space, with many different arts. As soon as we arived there, a friend fell on the most expencive art. It broked!

    At this school trip, we (the class) went to "Quinta da Estância". There I had too much fun! Was very cool. I rebember that we played a different tipe of football, played in the mud, made tree climbing. I loved to go there!

    At 2018, I took swimming classes. I didn't like it very much because we always made the same things. But I like very much to swim. At the beach I always go to the sea. My mom loves to go to the beach, and now she is learning how to surf.

    I made artistic gymnastics when I was 10 years old. I just made 1 year because of the pandemic. I loved to made this sport, was very cool playing with the equipments and to participate in the competitions

    Last year, my friend Valentina and I participate of the fair "Ciartec". Our work was about plastic bags. We won the first place. After, we went to Mostratec, and we won second place!
  • END OF 6º YEAR

    Last year, was my last year in Oswaldo Cruz, so we made a big presentation, with songs, the teachers made some text to present, some presents and after the class went to "Galeto D´Itália".

    This year I've started theater. Is very cool. We play some games, like "plays", talk and other things. The class started now, so I don't now very much about what we are going to do, but I have many expectations for this year!