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My education: Sofia Becker

By sofi_
  • My first time at school

    I was a year and 8 months old, and I went to the baby nursery at planet magico school!
  • My first school

    My first school was “Planeta Mágico” at Novo Hamburgo. There I did kindergarden 2, 3 and 4. I made friends there, some that I talk until today. I have such as great memories from this school!
  • My last year at Planeta Mágico

    Was in kindergarden 4th
  • My school after Planeta Mágico

    Pindorama, when i was 5 years old in kindergarden 5th. It was a really cool change, even though I had all the trouble to fit in a new group again. But it was very good and I am thankful for that today.
  • In fundamental and in different classes

    In 2015, I was going to the 1st year at pindorama too. I also started to do piano and tênis classes this year! It was a different experience, being in the building of the “ big ones”.
  • My first exam

    In 2nd year, I was very nervous this day, because having a exam was such as a huge thing to me! I turned 8 this year. I dont have a lot of memories from this year.....
  • 3rd year of fundamental

    This was a very special year too me, because I made a lot of friends, had a lot of learning and great experiences! It was a very remarkable year, happy and cool.
  • 4th year

    A special year too, because we had amazing trips, a new language that was spanish, and memorizing teachers!
  • 5th year

    THIS YEAR WAS THE BEST! I’m sure that is the one that I have more memories, because we had a lot of fun! This year we had new teachers and subjects, and this was amazing to me, because i was felling like I was getting older heheh... The teachers were amazing, the trip to Missões was the best, and the friends were the coolest... the best year
  • 6th year

    This year was difficult.... It started normal but it ended completely different..... The COVID made me feel different about school, because I started getting more relaxed and not doing what I was supposed to do. Buuut, at the end I was already getting used to it, but yet I wished that we could go back to Presencial Classes! And at the last months we could return and I felt so happy..... That were the most happy moment of 2020!