Foto de isadora broilo

My Education

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    My first day at the Planeta Mágico School

    This was my first school. It was little but so nice because I had many friends there and there are some people that I still talk with. Gustavo (classmate) and Sofia (7th H) were my classmates there and we still are friend.
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    I really liked doing ballet but I don't like it anymore. Me and my class did presentations at the playground LOL. I started in Planeta Mágico and then I kept doing in Oswaldo until the end of 1st year.
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    Started to study at Oswaldo Cruz

    I really liked to study in Oswaldo because it was really big comparing to the other school. I made a lot of friends there. I started study there in kindergarden 5.
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    I did tennis with my friend but the teacher gave more attention to her than me. And I didn't feel it was my "thing".
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    Horse Riding

    This was a sport I started to do just because my grandpa enrolled me and he loves horses. That hurted my back so I stopped.
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    Contemporary dance

    I did it for 2 years.

    I finally finded something that make me happy: skating. I started compiting in 2019. In 10/11/2019 I participated in my first and only (until now). I was so happy because I was in 1st place!
  • Missões!

    We had a really nice trip to Missões.
  • Fundação Evangélica

    Changed school!! :3