My Dreay Life

By Joel213
  • Birth

    The day I was born
  • 3 Year Old

    Started Talking
  • Started School

    I started School
  • When my Sister was Born

    A sister I have to help throughout her life and tell her what's wrong to do. I had to take care of her not just my parents. She is important to me and I care about her with all my heart.
  • 6th Grade

    6th Grade made me change what I think of school. That not everything seems what it's like. The people you think care about other people don't really care about them but dislike them.
  • Depression

    There was a time in life where I didn't know what to do with my life. I was by myself, I was alone no one noticed me, made me realize that no one really cared about what I said. This is where I went through my worst struggle in life.
  • Who my True Friends are

    In 8th Grade I realize who actually cares about what I say and what I do. Those people know who I am and did listen to me and not like other people who say they were friends. It showed me that not everybody is really your friend but only some people are.
  • Happy Again

    In July I was happy again, I was reunited from friends from a long time ago, I was happy. A person who actually cares about me. What I said, listened to me and treated me like someone she cares about.
  • Highschool

    High school started and a new adventure, something I haven't experience.
  • Present Day

    Here I am now typing this timeline, happy with many friends who care about me. Enjoying life continuing with school.