Ask Parents For A Dog
Heard that dogs are very cute animals and when I reached home stright away from home I asked my parents for a dog. -
From No To Maybe
From Absoultely 'NO' to a dog to a 'MAYBE'.I get my hopes high -
Dog Mania
I did a Dog-Mania about getting a dog.I watched lots of dog movies,read dog books and went all crazy over the word dog. -
From Maybe To Yes
Yes,Mom and Dad said yes to a dog if we find a proper one. -
See Jack Rusell Terriers Cross With Labrador
Went to see Jack Rusell Terriers but because it was a cross with Labrador was a bit big.Big dogs didn't work for us so unfortunately could not adopt. -
Get My Dog-Sheldon
Got my dog Sheldon forabout 1000$.Very happy.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. -
First Steps
Sheldon learns to go up and down the staris.His first steps. -
Runaway King
Sheldon runs away.Not really.Went all the way to the back of the garden.Thought we had abondened him.Mom found him at the back and then he went all hyper.