Good Start
Year 2 of ipads and Chromebooks, Every classroom with a projection system. Expansion of GAFE to elementary schools.Technology needs assessment (iClarify from BrightBytes) -
Period: to
My Districts road to the year 2020
Laying the groundwork
Establishment of an ongoing District technology budget. Development of District Technology plan that not only addresses using technology to improve student achievement but also includes a process for purchasing, ongoing professional training and deployment of technology. All schools to have handheld devices available. Establish uniform classroom websites.. Internal (maybe external) access to student digital portfolios. Identify innovative educators and support their efforts to use technology. -
Putting the plan into action
Expand the District Technology Committee, include parents, District fiscal staff and additional teaching staff. Use committee to help execute the District technology plan. Full time classified technology staffing at all school sites. Further expansion of handheld devices. Continuing structured PD schedule. Innovative educators to pilot the use of new technology and methodology in their classrooms. Global management of devices. Continued “off site” learning opportunities. Increase WAN connection -
Expanding and Changing
4:1 device deployment. District Technology Integrator position established. Reconfiguration of classrooms to provide for collaboration and classroom “flipping”. Flipped classrooms .Full use of electronic document sharing between teacher and students for homework/classwork. Collaboration with other classrooms around the world. Online classroom visits from experts. Using Skype in the Classroom -
Modeling the change
Establish digital textbook adoption. Envourage Innovative educators to share technology discoveries with staff and the public by using school events, online resources and professional development sessions both real and virtual.Faclilitate these sharing opportunities through digital classrooms and digital conferencing. -
Picking up speed
2:1 device deployment. Network upgrade to handle bandwidth including wireless. Classroom video conferencing ability. More flipped classrooms District-wide. Further stakeholder eductaion on Digital Classrooms . The Elements Of A Digital Classroom -
Are we there yet? Never!
1:1 device deployment. Video conferencing centers at each site to be used for collaboration among district stakeholders. Continued evaluation of imerging educational technology that fits in the overall district plan. Continued review and adjustment of District Technology Plan as new technologies are established