
My Distance Learning Journey

  • First Computer with Internet

    First Computer with Internet
    My father purchased a computer with internet access for the family. We used AOL at the time with speeds around 56kbps. It would seem like a crawl now but at the time it was new and exciting. I was able to chat in real-time with friends and family all over the country.
  • First Multiplayer Game Experience

    First Multiplayer Game Experience
    I had my first synchronous multiplayer experience with the PC game Unreal. I was able to compete and communicate with players around the world. This really opened my eyes to how important the internet was becoming.
  • Started BS in Information Technology

    Started BS in Information Technology
    I took my love of technology into consideration when I started by college career. I decided that Information Technology was a good balance of career potential and personal passion. I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do for a career but I knew that I wanted it to include technology.
  • Created First Web-based Application

    Created First Web-based Application
    I created my first interactive application in a programming course at UCF. The application was very simple but it helped encourage me further into the field of distributed computing. This made me imagine possibilities that I had not thought of before.
  • Took First Fully Online Course

    Took First Fully Online Course
    I enrolled in my first completely online course at UCF. I had experience with the LMS from previous courses that used it to supplement traditional teaching methods. I found the experience exciting and very practical. I believe this is when I knew my future would include distance learning to some degree.
  • Began Career in Information Technology

    Began Career in Information Technology
    After graduating from UCF I began work with the Florida Safety Council. I managed and developed web-based content and provided general IT support for the company. This was my first experience with distance learning in a professional capacity as we offered many courses and certifications online.
  • Started Work at UCF's Center for Distributed Learning

    Started Work at UCF's Center for Distributed Learning
    After a few years of doing freelance web development work I decided to return to a more traditional work environment. I was lucky enough to find a job as an Instructional Design Assistant at UCF's Center for Distributed Learning. Here I got to expand on my distance learning experience by assisting staff, faculty, and students with all online learning tools.
  • Assisted with LMS Migration

    Assisted with LMS Migration
    In early 2012 UCF conducted pilots with three potential LMS replacements. I lead a team that provided direct support for one of the systems (D2L) during the pilot. Once we settled on a system I managed the team that provided support to faculty and students during the migration and transition period that followed. This was an incredibly challenging and rewarding experience. More information about this entire process can be found here.
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    UCF LMS Migration

    Supported the LMS transition at UCF.
  • Began Position at College of Medicine

    Began Position at College of Medicine
    After over 5 years at CDL I decided to take an Instructional Technologist position at UCF’s College of Medicine. This has been a very challenging and enriching experience. I work with our faculty to provide the best possible education to our students, both online and in the classroom. We connect students from hospitals and clinics all over Florida via Webcourses, video conferencing, and more.
  • Started Instructional Desgin MA

    Started Instructional Desgin MA
    I decided to pursue my MA in Instructional Design after many years of working in the distance learning field. My goal is to improve my knowledge of learning theories and how best to utilize them in an online environment. It’s very important to me to understand why things work and I’m excited to add more tools to my skill set.