My digital timeline

  • Birth

    We all know the day we're first born is when everything starts for us. It is one of the most important times in my life now that my life has begun.
  • The day I first drank coffee

    The day I first drank coffee
    I think my first first time drinking coffee was when I was one years old, but my mom had told me at the time she used to live with her so my grandma would always grab me and give me a drop of coffee (which my mom got mad at) I find it funny because I think she might've been the reason to why coffee takes up a big part of me now that I pretty much always drink it.
  • I knew what I wanted from the beginning

    I knew what I wanted from the beginning
    One of the best memories out there would be when I was five years old. Mom had told me that ever since that age, I would always put myself to watch dance videos on YouTube.
  • Ballet

    I think as kids when we think of dance we would just think of ballet. One of the basics dance genres out of many, I remember my ballet teacher and I used to put on shows for either birthdays or just to perform in front of parents too. That was probably one of the times where I really felt like I was choosing something that made me happy for real.
  • Belly dance

    Belly dance
    I also did belly dance when I was young! That was probably more enjoyable for me than ballet because I got to let my body speak as a loud kid. With ballet it was more chill, When I would watch dance videos in 2012 one of them was Shakira's music videos ( ft. Rihanna, Beyonce) That had an impact on me because as kids we would copy what we see, and I did just that.
  • The day I became a sister... and almost got kidnapped

    The day I became a sister... and almost got kidnapped
    I don't really remember how it went but one thing was sure, my parents at the moment didn't have a car so we would have to take the bus or train. When my mom told my dad that my sister was born and she could have visitors he came to pick me up and we took the bus to go to the hospital, I was able to see my sister and my mom.Then I said goodbye and went to take the bus with my dad. When we were about to get out my dad got out first and an old guy put his arms for me not to go.
  • Grease

    One of the moments I WILL NEVER FORGET. It was during 1st grade, we were practicing for days at school to perform to our parents during Halloween. We did a few songs by Grease and one of them was you're the one that I want. With that I remember my mom for some reason didn't put shorts on me while I was wearing a dress, and everyone including some of my friends SAW MY UNDERWEAR while I was doing a spin, that was embarrassing because my friends pointed it out and I almost cried...
  • Moving to a whole different continent

    Moving to a whole different continent
  • My first love (so I thought)

    My first love (so I thought)
    I was still in quarantine so we would text all the time but I seen him before because we went to school together. He's a year older than me that I remember, I think it's because of how much we would talk that I ended up thinking I liked him, once we stopped I realized that I didn't I just liked the company and conversations I had with him. But ever since that I can't really tell when I actually like someone or if I just wanted a friend all along.
  • Covid-19

    I remember this day as if it was yesterday, when I was still i 7th grade and my teachers had told me we were taking 2 weeks of break. Then it suddenly turned into a month, and that month into a whole year and a half of being quarantine. I liked it because I got to do my things at home and still being active in my work in different environments than just staying in one for 8 hours with lot's of kids. I got to reflect on myself, on who I really am as a person, than "fitting in" with people.
  • The day I met my other half

    It was the second week of my freshman year and this other girl I used to be friends with went to the bathroom, we were actually there to find another friend to form a group because it was only the two of us. We indeed found them both, I remember the first thing I said to her was that I liked her hair because she dyed it half grey. After that we hung out as a whole but eventually me and her got close and found lots of things that we had in common. Friendship is still going strong!
  • The day I found my dream academy

    The day I found my dream academy
    Crazy story but before being in the academy I am right now I used to dance in another one a year before I found this one that I'm at. I figured it wasn't for me so I took a break then later tried looking for better dance academies and that's when The Puzzle Box came across me. I liked it because it wasn't just one genre of dance that they taught but because they had different levels of dance and the songs were songs I listen to and not kidz bop.
  • The day I felt pain to another level

    The day I felt pain to another level
    I don't remember how it even happened but I was once in gym class in my Sophomore year and we were playing volleyball, I guess I injured my knees really bad that one day when I woke up the injuries had both opened and they hurt really bad. I remember every night for a whole week I would cry myself to sleep because I would have trouble bending my knees since the injury would feel like it was tearing apart and spreading more.
  • Auditions

    This year I've audition to many groups, either that'll be K-pop or non K-pop and although I haven't gotten to one of those I got to join some of their training days to see how they're like and what I can do to improve to make sure the next time they have auditions I can make sure to get it! It's about improving and never giving up.
  • 7 a.m

    It was 7 a.m when me and my friend decided to hang out for a whole day. We haven't hung in a while so we thought to spend the whole day together to catch up on things, first thing I did was packed everything a day before to have it ready the day after. My dad was leaving for work which is close to my friend's house so he dropped me off there. After that I said hello to her mom and we left to go to McDonald's to eat something before we left to take the bus to downtown. We went to the beach, Canes
  • My first time working!

    My first time working!
    I had wanted to find a job ever since my Freshman year but never did, I finally did somewhere at the end of my Sophomore year. I imagined myself working at a coffee shop or something similar to that. I even apply to Te AMO which is a boba shop I love, I even got the job because I passed my interview and was going to start training! I ended up leaving it and working where my mom used to work at Jimmy Johns instead because it was closer home instead of waiting money to Navy Pier which the boba was
  • The day I became a second mom

    The day I became a second mom
    The first time I found out my mom was pregnant again was somewhere in October, she handed the test to my dad first then my dad threw it at me and said "you're gonna be a sibling again" I was mad at first because didn't want another pain in the head but later I got to melo and got attached to the baby, I had a feeling it was going to be a boy and when she gave birth I was right :) named him Leo because it was the first thing that came to mind then kept it because his zodiac is a Leo!

    This is one of my FIRST K-pop concerts EVER and I enjoyed every second of it! I in fact also went by myself and bought my ticket by myself as well. Was thinking on buying a light stick but since I had already spent my whole soul on the tickets to make sure I got good seats I couldn't :( But I had the best time ever while singing my heart out that I even lost my voice the day after >.<
  • A day that doesn't seem real

    A day that doesn't seem real
    I got a call from my aunt early in the morning last year, I didn't answer her because she never calls me so it was a bit weird to receive a call from her. Later to find out when my mom picked me up that my dads mom had died. My grandma who took care of me and gladly took my mom when her grandma kicked her out of the house for having me. When I hear the news I couldn't believe me and I broke into tears thinking about how reserve my dad is, if it wasn't for my mom I probably wouldn't havefound out
  • First time performing in a WHILE

    First time performing in a WHILE
    Recent mems I'll forever remember, right now we're currently practicing and practicing for this big performance that me and my group are going to do. I really love performing because it brings me back to that embarrassing moment that happened to me at a young age. As embarrassing as it is, it is one of the memories I love-hate because I came up with a few parts in the dance and being able to participate and be seen by doing something I love feels great.