
My Digital Learning Timeline

By Ms Jan
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    My Educational Career

  • My School Years

    My School Years
    My lessons in basic computer skills.
    Model of Learning: Cognitivism which is build on learners’ existing knowledge, and in the need to find ways to ensure that learners have understood or made sense of what they are learning, rather than simply focusing on eliciting the required performances.
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    My Undergraduate Years

    I used computers for my study
  • My undergraduate years in college

    My undergraduate years in college
    1993 - 1997 are my years in college when I occasionally used computer for studypurposes
    Self-directed Learning : where learners have their own motivations for engaging in provision, and are capable of engaging in self-directed autonomous learning.
  • My Postgraduate Years

    My Postgraduate Years
    I have my first laptop and my personal email account is created. I use it mainly to connect with my family.
    Cognitive constructivism: It suggests that it is important to allow learners the choice and autonomy to develop their learning in their own way, by giving them space to follow their own individual interests and understandings, and by recognising that this process will be different for each learner.
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    My Professional Career

    My professional career as an ESL & EFL teacher to college level students in my home country.
  • MOUS Certification & Training

    MOUS Certification & Training
    I enrolled in Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Training course and earned a certified qualification in the field.
    Cognitivism which is build on learners’ existing knowledge, and in the need to find ways to ensure that learners have understood or made sense of what they are learning, rather than simply focusing on eliciting the required performances.
  • Digital Technology for Learning & Teaching

    Digital Technology for Learning & Teaching
    After my MOUS training and PgDiploma In TEFL, I used computers and other forms of digital technology in my professional and educational pursuits.
    Activity theory and social constructivism: A sociocultural understanding of adult learning suggesting that learners need interaction with others at the right level for their own stage of development, and appropriate mediational tools and artefacts which play a crucial role in the learning process.
  • My Training in CALL

    My Training in CALL
    I attended a 32 credit hour training of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Computer Assisted Language Teaching (CALT).
    Cognitivism which is build on learners’ existing knowledge, and in the need to find ways to ensure that learners have understood or made sense of what they are learning, rather than simply focusing on eliciting the required performances.
  • My Profession engagements with digital technologies

    My Profession engagements with digital technologies
    I am a fully networked teacher. Applications of digital literacy matter in education; they're probably one of the most important concepts in looking at teaching and learning in the 21st century.
    It is more a Lerner Leader Model of Adult Learning.
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    My International Teaching Experience

    I worked as an EFL instructor to university level students
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    My Educational Pursuits

    I am a student and am pursuing higher academic qualification to excel in my professional career.
    Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  • My MA in Language & Linguistics

    My MA in Language & Linguistics
    I am enrolled in MA in Language & Linguistics at Lancaster University for the session 2014 - 2015.
    Situated cognition: suggests that we need to understand the social practices of learners, their need to participate in, and to offer opportunities that enable them to learn through engaging in these practices. It acknowledges adults’ competence in engaging in practice in their everyday lives, and uses this as a starting-point for education.
  • My Online Collaboration

    My Online Collaboration
    I extensively use digital resourses to collaborate with my teachers, fellow students, friends and family around the world. I am still learning new things everyday.
    Self-directed learning : where learners have their own motivations for engaging in provision, and are capable of (and probably have a history of) engaging in self-directed autonomous learning.