At this time a sperm from my father and an egg from my mother got combined together carrying all the needed DNA for me to form. -
Here I am starting to form some features, in these weeks I will be facing quck growth in my cells. -
Here I come! I was born on the 16th of January at 10:55 PM in Amman, Jordan. I was born 3.5 KG and I was 55 cm tall. -
Period: to
My life
Period: to
Trust v. Mistrust
In this year, my experience with the outside world was a bit different than the rest of the other years. In this year I used to cry to get attention from my parents. -
Period: to
In my first years, I started noticing the environment around me and notice the object moving. As my mother told me, I also enjoyed listening to a music cassett she used to always play for me. -
Oral stage
In this stage the rooting reflex and the sucking reflex were taking place. I used to move my head when I felt something touching my cheeks to get it in my mouth. In this stage, whenever I put my fingers in my mouth I used to suck on them. At this stage I'm around around 5 months old. -
Now I'm almost a complete human! -
My First Christmas!
It was my first Christmas, and all the family got together! I also got to meet Santa! -
Period: to
Autonomy V. Shame & Doubt
In these years, I developed control over my body and I started speaking. NO was one of my favorite words! -
Anal Stage
I'm almost 20 months old now, and I developed the skill on using the potty. -
Period: to
Peroperational Period
During these years I started speaking my first words and experiencing the world from my own perspective. -
Period: to
At this stage all I think about was what's the consequences. Whenever I did something and I knew was wrong, my mind would be asking what's the punishment? -
Period: to
Intiative v, Guilt
In these years all I did was ask questions about EVERYTHING.
My parents were always there to support me with answers to all my questions. However, my sisters used to get mad at the amount of questions. -
Phallic Stage
At this time I started to be more feminine, realizing that fact I started brushing my hair myself. -
I graduated from Kindergarten!
I finished kindergarten and I'm ready for first grade! -
Period: to
Industry v. Inferiority (effectiveness)
In these years I start going to actual school as a first grader. It is the first time I am asked to give in work that is evaluated therefore I gave my best in every task I had to do. -
Period: to
Latency Stage
During this time, I wasn't facing a lot of anxiety. -
Period: to
Concrete Operations
I started connecting between objects and the relationships between them. I also started to be more responsible and in control. -
Period: to
I started evaluating situations based on how others will look at me if I do a particular thing. -
Period: to
Formal Operations
I am an adult now. I started imagining and reasoning out aituations without visually seeing them. I am now capable of taking care of higher order problem solving. -
Period: to
I started thinking reasonably, considering all options and thinking of how it affects me and the people I care about. -
Genital Stage
This stage I hit puberty, where I became more ladylike and a better woman. From this time till now I'm still in the same stage. -
Period: to
Identity & Repudiation v. Identity Diffusion
During these years I started to explore the real life, trying to find out which people I click with and where my comfort zone is. I went through lots of experiences. -
Moving to Saudi Arabia
This was the beginning of my journey in Saudi Arabia! It was a big change since I had to leave my friends and family and come to a new place where I didn't know anyone. This helped me become more social and open to change. -
First real relationship
At this time I started noticing some emotions evolving towards that special person and as they evolved we shared these feelings and we started dating, -
I'm an aunt!
My sister gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy; Samuel! My feelings were so mixed but full of love. Samuel changed my life as well as my family's life. We're more connected now. He's the joy in our lives. -
First Acceptance
AUB issued their first list of early acceptance and I WAS ACCEPTED! I can't even explain the feeling I got. AUB has always been my favorite university. -
Period: to
This was an experience of a lifetime where I got to go to Amsterdam for a conference. I met new people from all over the world and I gained a lot of information that helped me later on in life. -
This event was life changing in every little meaning this word holds. I finished a chapter in my life and now I am ready to head to the next one. At this stage I had to say goodbye to my comfort zone and the people I have spent a lot of time with. -
Started University at AUB
This was a huge event! I started the next chapter in my life, and now I am living on my own and I have to take my own choices and make things right. -
Period: to
Intimacy v. Isolation
During these twelve years, I had some real situations to deal with. I graduated and then I got married to my highschool boyfriend and here was the time I had to become more responsible and needed priority management since I also got my first baby boy. -
I'm Engaged
My boyfriend and I decided that we should get engaged since it was his last year at Unversity and it was my third. It was a big step to take but it was a must. Commitment begain to look scary but when it happened it felt perfect. -
I'm an architect
I finished university and I was ready for the real life. I started looking for jobs and companies that would increase my knowledge and help me grow more in my career. -
My fiancee and I finally decided to get married now, we were both so happy to take this step and spend the rest of our lives together! I was now ready to take the responsibilty and to take care of another person. -
I started my first job as an architect
This job made me realize how different it was to work with a highly educated staff. It was a great experience. -
Ezra is here and he's the most beautiful baby boy! My husband and I were overwhelmed and were the happiest people on that day. He's a blessing -
Period: to
Generativity v. Stagnation
During these years I got my second child, my baby girl! My life started to settle down. My husband and I had our life planned out and sticking to the plan. -
Ella is here and she's perfect! Since Ezra is 5 years now I can take care of Ella without worrying about Jake. It's a bigger responsibility but I am willing to take it. -
Period: to
Integrity v. Despair
These last four years were for me to rethink about my life and decide if I was satisfied, and fortunately I was therefore, I spent the rest of my years around my family and friends happily. -
As a layed my head on the bed sleeping, I didn't wake up the following day. I died of old age and it was a peaceful death.