My DCL Innovation Project

By joweir
  • Period: to

    DCL Innovation Project

    Digital & Collaborative Literacy Project
  • Data Collection - Week 8 Term 2

    Give students survey asking for opinions on learning activities in class to date. Focus on technology - add data to informal notes from observations and informal chats.
  • Contact Experts

    Contact Rangi, Queenie, Otaki and Paraparumu Public Library, Kapiti Island Eco Tours. Check local stories with Rangi. Check with Tosca - can Damien come in and speak with students?
  • Engage other syndicate teachers! Holiday planning days

    Explain project fully to other syndicate teachers and see if they are keen to join project. Delegate stories to classes - mix of local and traditional legends. Get Tatia and Ramona on board
  • Excite students! Week 1 of term 3.

    Show plan of outdoor classroom. Resene testpots and photos of pou. Show timetable of purakau. Look at Guardian Maia and note features ie prestige instead of power. Brainstorm characters features.
  • Introduce Kanbans! Week 2 of term 3

    Introduce and outline how a kanban works. Students to select groups they will work in (reminders of not necessarily friend groups!) and we will sort stories for our class groups and assign kanbans. Students can personalise.
  • Learning Purakau Week 3 of term 3

    Learning purakau, planning storyboard with essential main events and characters, planning on method of recreating purakau
  • Purakau Recreations. Week 4 -6 term 3

    Working on visual learner tasks with aid of kanban. Conference with groups regularly to reflect on tasks and next steps. Record conference notes. Begin art work of pou
  • Sharing progress Week 5 Term 3

    Sharing progress to date with classmates. Record for Seesaw (whanau sharing) include conference reflections etc. Possible new survey if conference notes not enough. Invite SLT to view progress to date. Have original experts check students purakau
  • Celebration! Week 7 of term 3

    Combined celebration for all students and hopefully the community experts and whanau (depending on if garden is completed). Otherwise a mini celebration with a big celebration for when the garden is complete. (media included)
  • Assignment Due

    Complete project & hand in assignment