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My cultural Roots

  • Birth- October 1991

    Birth- October 1991
    I was born and raised in Waukegan, Illinois and there I had the opportunity to experience cultural diversity. Waukegan is approximately 30 minutes away from Chicago, so many different people reside there. I learned to appreciate different cultures and families living there.
  • Teenage Parents

    Teenage Parents
    My mother had me at the age of 16 and my father was 19. Being raised by young parents taught me the value of hard work, persistence, and the importance of education. I witnessed their endless struggles and that molded me into the adult I am today with a strong work ethic and genuine appreciation for education.
  • Family titles

    Family titles
    Since I was born to young parents, my aunts and uncles are addressed by their first names. My youngest aunt, Diana, was only 5 years old when I was born so adding the word "Aunt" to the front of her name seemed odd to my family. So, we all (my siblings) refer to our aunts and uncles by their first names. I also have a close relationship with all of them due to the closeness of our ages.
  • Childhood Holiday Celebrations

    Childhood Holiday Celebrations
    My great-grandmother hosted all of our celebrations until she passed away in 2008. My extended and immediate family would gather at her house for food, gifts, games, and laughs every holiday and Christmas was the family favorite. These get-togethers taught me that quality family time is important to create memories because one day all we will have is memories.
  • Move to Texas- 2003

    Move to Texas- 2003
    I moved to Mission, Texas when I was entering 6th grade. This event was the biggest culture shock I have ever experienced. I went from cultural diversity to a population that was majority Hispanic. I also had to adjust to the weather change as well as South Texas colloquial jargon. This family move taught me how to develop a thick skin and adapt to different situations and settings.
  • First Day of School-6th Grade

    First Day of School-6th Grade
    My first day of school in Texas was definitely an influential part of my life. I was secluded and did not fit in well due to how different I was coming from a large city. Everyone dressed differently and talked differently. I was an outsider and my peers had no issue letting me know. I felt very sad and not confident in the person I was. This experience taught me to further develop that tough exterior and there are other people in the world that are so very different than you.
  • St. Mary's University

    St. Mary's University
    I attended St. Mary's University in the Fall of 2010 in San Antonio, Texas. I enjoyed being in a larger city again and I was eager to start my studies. San Antonio culture prides itself on Hispanic culture infused with Texas pride. San Antonio is similar to the valley but the people that live there are of all ethnic backgrounds. This was also my first time living on my own and this taught me money management as well as learning how to sustain myself in all aspects. I appreciated my family more.
  • Mother's Graduation- Associate's Degree

    Mother's Graduation- Associate's Degree
    My mother graduating with her Associate's Degree in English was an influential part of my entire family's lives because she was able to break the teenage pregnancy statistic for herself and others. She would work a full-time job while going to school at night and that taught me the power of persistence and dedication. I was able to see my mother recover and become successful. Now in 2019, she has graduated with her Masters in Guidance and Counseling.
  • Graduating from UTRGV-2015

    Graduating from UTRGV-2015
    This is the most influential part of my life because I was able to accomplish earning a degree. When I had my children during college, I felt like a failure. I took 5 to 6 classes a semester and graduated with a double bachelors degree in 2015. I felt accomplished but not complete. My family was proud of me and I knew it was the first step to my long term goals. This experience taught me self-fulfillment and gratification from successes. I was the first to graduate from my family.
  • Continuing Family Traditions

    Continuing Family Traditions
    Now, I am currently a middle school teacher getting ready for a move to the DFW area. I have four children, all boys, and pursuing my master's degree. I try and keep the same holiday traditions my great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother have done for my immediate family. This picture is a pajama theme that we do for Christmas Eve. Traditions are what we value the most because that is how I was raised. Family time is the best time one can have. My children enjoy them as well.