My Career Plan

  • Why I am suitable for this job

    I am suitable for this job since I have a strong interest in technology and want to use it in such a way, that it benefits the world. I have always wanted to work with computers, create software and games, it is a dream for me to have this job.
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    My secondary education

    I am currently a Grade 10 student at Northview Heights Senior Secondary. I will be graduating high school in 2023, after which I will hopefully get a chance to study in my dream university. I currently have 30 hours of remaining community service which I will be completing in the next 3 years. Some of the courses I will be taking over my remaining years in high school are English, Math, Science, History, Computer Science, Career studies etc.
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    Community activities

    I have and will regularly participate in community service activities over the time I am attending high school also when I will pursue my bachelor's degree in university. I believe participating in community services is the duty of every person, to give something good back to the community. I feel this prepares you to get a better perspective towards life and prepares you to face all situations in life with equanimity. I will participate in community centers and other public places.
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    My post secondary education plan

    After graduating high school, I will hopefully get the opportunity to study in my dream university and I will pursue my bachelor's and master's degree in Software Engineering. I will spend my first four years in university to achieve my bachelor's degree and the next two years for my master's degree. After graduating university, I hope I will get a job with a big tech firm and slowly grow in this field.
  • How I see myself in 12 years

    I see myself working for big tech firms like Google or Microsoft at a respectable post. I like to see myself being financially stable and in a condition to support me and my family well. I would like to see myself as rich and hardworking after I graduate and grow in the IT industry.