Scholoarship Applications
I am going to begin signing up for scholoarships and applying for them during my junior year. This gives me plenty of time to prepare myself for the financial aid. -
Classes in High School
During my junior and senior year I am going to take Pshchology. As of right now that is the only class that I am taking that will really benifit me for my career. -
I will take my ACT during my junior year. -
I will take the SAT test during my junior year so that if I do not get a good score I can retake it my senior year. -
College Applications
I am going to begin applying for colleges towards the end of my junior year. The reason being so that I can start visiting colleges over the summer. -
Volunteer work
I will volunteer over the summer between my junior and senior year so that I can get used to the enviornment that I will be working in. -
College Visits
I plan on visiting colleges during the summer between my junior and senior year. This way I can really focus on what school I want to go to during my senior year. -
Bachelor's Degree
After 4 years of being in college I plan on having a double major in Pschology and Pre-med. I will have my Bachelor's degree also. -
Master's Degree
I will have my master's degree in Psycology after spending another 2-3 years in college. -
Job Applications
I will begin applying for job's while still going to school to finish alll of my years of schooling. I plan on living in my own apartment by now. -
Finally, I will be done with college after my final 4 years in college I will have obtained my PhD. It will be a total of 11 years in college.