
My Captstone Experience

  • Think of a story

    Think of a story
    Looked at previous MET graduates' eP and knew it's a requirement to explain our learning experience using metaphor. What is a metaphor would be colourful and easy to relate to?
  • Period: to

    My Capstone Experience

  • Analyzing ePs with the Team

    We created a mind map to break down and compare different components of an eP. Creating this mind map was a lot of fun.
  • Critical analysis of eP's

    We were asked to compare eP by previous MET students to eP by students from another institution. I found that eP's from MET encourage deeper reflection of the learning experience as learners were asked to make connection between information that seems unrelated at the beginning (just like cooking and learning).
  • What would a good eP look like?

    What would a good eP look like?
    My eP proposal
    Wrote a proposal for the eP's to reflect on
    1. Who is the audience
    2. When should and how it will be completed
    3. Why is it significant
    4. What should be included
    This document was peer reviewed and editted several times at the beginning of creating this eP.
  • Beginning to create my eP

    After some debate on different metaphors such as drinking coffee, building a house, making a card... I decided to settle with the cooking metaphor. I soon realized how having the "right" metaphor helped me synthesize my learning experience.
  • Choosing artifacts

    I tried to parallel the process of cooking a dish to my MET experience; the different steps in the cooking process had lead me to reflect on different topics of educational technology, which helped me further develop my metaphor. The cycle went on and I really enjoyed the process of reflecting on my learning experience!
  • Constant reflection

    As I was looking through notes and assignments I produced from courses I took before, I rediscovered the knowledge and made new connections
  • Stuck

    Didn’t know if I have enough artifacts; felt like there is still a long way before completion, and yet not sure what to do. I had to rethink about the proposal.
  • Technical difficulties

    I could not get the post to show up in full on the home page, instead of being an excerpt. Searched online for solution and read about "the loop" in a wordpress forum. Couldn't find the "code" folder to edit codes (I realized I did not download wordpress).
  • Peer review

    Peer review
    Posted my eP on the discussion thread to get feedback and comments from my peers. Looking at my colleague's eP also gave me inspiration and helped me reflect on what is missing.
  • Problem solved!

    Spent over an hour searching for a theme but couldn’t find one that is responsive to different devices (iphone, ipad), enable social media, and most importantly, has a font that's easy to read.
    I spent time looking at the settings of the wordpress page again, and realize that the front page can be set up as a static page. Problem solved (after two hours)!
  • Mentor's suggestions

    Mentor's suggestions
    Met up with my teacher and mentionor. We talked about blended learning and how some teachers are starting to implement this new teaching style. I realize that I haven't paid enough attention on this topic at all.
  • Inspired by peer's work

    Inspired by peer's work
    Reviewed my classmate's eP and decided I need to explain my story in a clearer way! My story is explained over five main pages and ten subpages. I cannot expect my audiences to look through every page of the eP to understand my story!
  • Running out of time

    As I reviewed the notes I found more and more relevant information to elaborate on the content. In order to fit them in and, in the process, help me complete the analogies in my head, I couldn't help but re-edited some of the pages.
  • Multimedia

    Looking at classmate's eP and reflecting on my own...
    I should use more multimedia and less words.
    However, at the same time want to dig deeper into each topic. This could mean more time for research and potentially more wordy!
  • Reassurance from peers

    This was the second round of peer review. Reassurance from peers made me feel more comfortable with what I have produced. I've chosen to ues the rest of the time to produce more media and less words (as I already have no control over the colors of the fonts on wordpress). I need to brighten up the pages.
  • Light at the end of the tunnel

    I realized that the purpose of my eP is to reflect on my learning journey -- the research and reflection on teaching methods will continue as long as I teach. I'm happy with what I've acheived in the past few months. All there is left is a guided tour.