Intro Classroom Tech Guidelines
Guidelines for a Safe Online Community Introduce the novel unit and explain the expectations for using Web 2.0 technology as part of our English class. -
The Three Sides of the Revolution
Example of Venn // Venn Diagram interactive Students will create a Venn Diagram to organize what they already know from social studies lessons about the different sides in the American Revolution. Time: 1 class period -
Period: to
Novel about the American Revolution
5+ week unit exploring the American Revolution through the historical novel My Brother Sam is Dead and other nonfiction sources. -
Pre-Reading Discussion:
Discussion Guide PPT Slides Prereading discussion using guiding questions. Students will meet in small groups in classroom. Time = 1 class period Guiding Questions:
1.) What conditiions make political revolution necessary?
2.) For what reasons, if any, do you think war is justified?
3.) What effects does revolution and war have on the social fabric of a community? -
Intro: Read Ch 1
MBSD Study Guide Packet Pass out MBSD study guide. Begin reading Ch 1. Students complete study guide pgs. for Ch. 1. Time = 2 class periods. -
Mini Lesson #1
Mini-Lesson #1 Present word study (roots & affixes) and literary terms for the 1st section of the novel. Time = 15 mins -
Ch 1 Small Group Discussion
After reading Ch 1 and completing the study guide, students return to small groups to discuss Ch 1 Discussion Questions. Questions are located in the PPT slide show from 4 Nov 2014. Time = 1 class period -
Intro Final Project for MBSD
MBSD Project Sheet & Examples Introduce the various projects that students can do in groups, pairs, or individually. Share examples throughout the next two weeks to help students get a better idea of what is expected. More examples will be added to this folder over time. Projects and presentation will be due the last week of the unit Dec 15 -17 (M-W). -
Read Ch 2-3 & Ch 4-5
Students read Ch 2-3 and Ch 4-5. Complete study guide that goes along with those chapters. Time: 3 - 4 class periods. -
Mini-Lesson #2
Mini Lesson #2 Present concepts about character traits, round and flat characters, as well as perspective. Time = 15 mins -
Formative Assessment: Quiz Ch 1-3
Quiz for Ch 1-3 Formative assessment on setting, mood, and tone and the prefix de-. -
Tim's Perspective Chart
Partial Example // Tim's Perspective Chart While reading Chs. 4-5, students will not do the study guide, but will prepare together for a character game show. The objective is to use evidence from the text to identify the "true" student posing as Tim in the game. Time = 2 class periods -
To Tell the Truth (Character Game Show)
Lesson Plan //Model: To Tell the Truth Episode Day 1: Students will watch one episode of To Tell the Truth to learn the rules of the game. In groups of 3-4, students will also come up with 5-6 questions for the contestants. Day 2: Using 3 volunteers, small groups will use thier questions to identify the contestant who is the "real" Tim Meeker. -
Read Chs 6-7 & Ch 8-9
For classwork and homework, students will read through the 4 chapters. Some work will be assigned from the study guide for the chapters, but the main objective will be to get students to the mid-point in the novel before the Thanksgiving Break. Time = 5 days in and out of class. -
Formative Assessment: Best Tim Meeker Writing & Chart
To Tell The Truth: Writing Assignment Using their Google Drive account, students will write an argument paragraph about who was the best Tim Meeker's from the game show today. They must use evidence from the text and from answers given by contestants during the game show. Chart will also be collected to evaluate student understanding. Homework: 1 day -
Mini-Lesson #3
(Not Available) Present word study (roots & affixes) and literary terms for the 3rd section of the novel. Time = 15 mins -
Formative Assessment: Quiz for Ch 4-8
Quiz for Ch 4-8 Formative assessment on perspective, round vs. flat characters and the suffixes -ee and -ity. -
Period: to
Thanksgiving School Break
Work on Final Projects at Home -
Read Chs 10-11 & Ch 12
For classwork and homework, students will read through the 3 chapters this week. Some work will be assigned from the study guide for the chapters, but the main objective will be to get students up to the climax in the story. Time = 5 days in and out of class. -
Mini-Lesson #4
(Not Available) Present word study (roots & affixes) and literary terms for the 1st section of the novel. Time = 15 mins -
Formative Assessment: Quiz for Ch 9-12
Quiz for Ch 9-12 Formative assessment on character trait, value, and belief as well as the Latin roots nunc/nounc and spec/spect. -
Read Ch 13 - Epilogue
Students finish last portion of the novel reading and answer selected questions from the study guide booklet. Time = 3 class periods -
Summative Assessment: Prewriting
Example on War // Interactive Essay Map Students will use an interactive essay map, to plan their writing for the final assessment (summative). This activity is available at ReadThinkWrite.Org. -
Period: to
Summative Test
Wiki: Collaborative Discussion
Collaborative discussion of end of the book questions. Small teams of students use computers to post their ideas and responses to one another on the unit wiki (mbsdmrtelles.wikispaces.com). Class time: 2 class periods -
Projects Due and Presentations
Project Rubric Student teams and individuals present projects to whole class. Time: 3 class periods -
Period: to
Final Project Presentations