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My biography: Anakin

  • Birth

    I was born on January 23, 2002
  • Car crash

    Car crash
    Arriving at a party in Toluca, the car fell into a ravine.
    While the car was falling, my grandparents and my mom died.
  • Live to another house

    Live to another house
    Around 2 or 3 years old, I went to live with my grandparents since my dad could not take care of me.
  • Tae Kwon Do and arts

    Tae Kwon Do and arts
    When i was 7 years old, i practiced taekwondo while i was studying some arts in a school called "Bellas Artes".
    It was when I learned to defend myself.
    I also learned to act and improvise a little bit.
  • Music

    At that time I was interested in music and wanted to learn to play some instrument, my father suggested the piano and I began to learn.
    But today I have not finished learning through situations beyond me.
  • Court visit

    Court visit
    I had to go to court to testify if I wanted to be with my dad or I preferred to go with my maternal aunts even though I never found out they took my statement, I thought it was a talk while I was waiting.
  • French

    My dad wanted me to learn a language besides english and he got me to learn french at the same time I played the piano again.
    Even though I don't know how to speak it, I can understand it a little bit.
  • Period: to

    Familiar trip

    Practically, since my dad could not be long for work, during this time he had vacations in which he took my grandparents and me to know many places.
    This meant to me because despite my mother's lack, I felt a familiar bond while I was with them.
  • Birth of my cousin

    Birth of my cousin
    When my cousin was born I was studying and I could not go see him but when I saw him I felt good and I became his favorite cousin of all because I was almost always with him.
  • Admission to UNAM

    Admission to UNAM
    Entering the unam was a great achievement for me because the admissions exam was done with my own knowledge and while I was studying for that exam, I was in a science competition and had a divided approach, so it was a great achievement to have been accepted even if it has been removed from my preferred campus.