My Awesome Life So Far.........

  • My Birthday!!!!!

    My Birthday!!!!!
    I was born today, My mom went ot Mercy Hospital to have me, but i had to be lifted by helicopter to St. you could say that i was brn at 2 hospitals I was early by 1 and a 1/2 months I was supposted to be born on New Years! Picture=jessica.diamond
  • Period: to

    My LIfe :D

  • Divorce D:

    My parents got divorced that day. It wasnt really sad for me, they faught all the time, so i was kinda glad.
  • Rode First Roller-Coster

    Rode First Roller-Coster
    I was at Adventureland with Kylian and her family. We were walking around and she wanted to go on the Outlaw. I had never riden a roller coaster before. I wen ton it an dwas clinging to her aunt the whole time, but it was still fun. Picture=netwalkerz_net
  • Flood D:

    Flood D:
    I was not effected by the floodwaters themself. My sister and i were effected by all the rain, our house is the low point from about four houses behind us (including Mr. Gano's) and all the water from their houses ran into our basement. Where my sister and i were washing half of our clothes. The ones in the basement were ruined! Pictutre=DVIDSHUB
  • Laura Moves D:

    Laura Moves D:
    My best friend Laura Berry had to move to Nebraska with her mom and Dad. I was devastated that she had to leave! I didnt want her to go, but we worked it out and we talk almost every day now, and we are still Best Friends! Picture=jelene
  • Broken Wrist

    Broken Wrist
    I was helping unload the Werath and Candy sales truck when i stepped on my pants. I fell backwards and caught myself with my left arm. It started brusing bad so my mom came and took me to the doctor, he took and x-rayand found my wrist was broken fom the fall. Picture=Aaron_M
  • Tennis Match WIN!

    Tennis Match WIN!
    This day, I was facing Rosevelt at Tennis. Our team had o win one more to win the meet. I was #9 in the rankings (out of like 20 or so) and I was having a singles match, tied. I served and she missed! I had won! We won the meet! :D PictureShawn Rossi
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attack