My Autobiography

  • My Birthdate

    My Birthdate
    I was born in the Los Angeles Hospital around 1:34 a.m., during that moment I almost lost my mom forever because I was a really huge baby weighing 9lbs and 2 ounces.
  • Kindergarden Year

    I was really nervous of not being with my parents and i didn"t knew anybody there when i got there.It was really fun after a whike of getting used to.
  • Changed Schools

    During my second year at Columbia my parents wanted me to transfer to a new school because i had many problems there, and the new school that I went to was Wilkerson.
  • Got In A Fight

    While I was waiting for my parents to pick me up this gringa gril that I knew from class was kind of bullying me but thanks to my dad for teaching me how to fight I got up instantly and threw a punch in her fae.. :) I was really happy that I made her cry and got her a bloody nose.
  • Life Changed Completely

    My 7th grade year was the year my life changed completely because I went from regular girl to Tomboy girl and also i was nominated to be the leader of my skating crew.
  • Party Time :D ;-;

    People from my school invited me to go to a Halloween party which was not a good idea.. They freaked me out when they shut off all of the lights from the place and they knew exactly that I was extremely afraid of the dark... So basically I shit my pants.
  • Graduation Time

    During the time in June I graduated from 8th grade year in my middle school which was Potrero.
  • New Start

    When I was in Summer School in South El Monte I actually thought it was going to be like the movies that other kids shoved kids into their lockers and basically bully them but I was way wrong.
  • Incoming Freshie

    The first day of Highschool has started and I was really nervous about heading to my to my first classes but since I didn't knew the school well enough I got lost and by accident bumped into a really cute girl and said "sorry" then I just left quickly towards my first class on my list.
  • Sophie (Sophomore) Year So Far ;-;

    Sophie (Sophomore) Year So Far ;-;
    So far my 10th grade year was awesome and pretty hard because I have to do more homework and ugh too much projects -.- Anyways my top most favorite teacher is Mr. Castellanos a.k.a "El Capitan"and I enjoy his class more than any other.