My Auto Biography


    On the 24th of March I was born at St Andrew's Hospital. St Andrews Hospital is based at Cnr Roderick & Pring Streets in Ipswich.
  • • 1999 – (24.07.99) Little sister (Kiahna) was born.

    On the 24th of July my baby sister Kiahna Renae Conroy was born. (worst day of my life). She was born at the same hospital as me which was St Andrews Private Hospital in Ipswich. I was only 2 years and 4 months old the time and was a proud older sister. She was obsessed with me and never wanted to leave my side. She was cry is she was more then 2 feet away from me.
  • • 2000 – started my first swimming lessons

    •	2000 – started my first swimming lessons
    Around this time in 2000 i started my swimming journey with my first swimming lesson. I have been very succssesful with my swimming this includes getting age champion, many medals, ribbions and trophies as well as getting into Met West.
  • • 2001 – kindy

    •	2001 – kindy
    in 2001, i started my first schooling year at kindy. I attended the Collingwood park kindy in Collingwood park.
  • started grade 1

    started grade 1
    In 2002, I started primary at Colling wood park Primary school and stayed there till grade 7. I atchieved alot of awards, sporting credits and music awards dueing my time at Collingwood Park.
  • Won Age Champion for swimming

    Won Age Champion for swimming
    In grade 3, i competed in my first school swimming carnival. I ended up winning age champion! I was very shocked when I found out at first. I didnt believe my grade 7 friend when she gave me the news as it was my first time doing the swimming carnival and didnt think grade 3'ers got aged champion!
  • My Nan Died

    My Nan died. end of story....
  • got my first trumpet

    got my first trumpet
    In grade 4 I found out that i got into the school band. I made it in because of the tallent i had for the trumpet. I hve played it ever since and excelled in alot of estedfords and recieving good grades. In grade 7 I did a duet with a fellow trumpet played student who was in the same grade as me and who happend to be my childhood good friend. We came 2nd!

    In grade 5 i found the love for netball and basketball. I played both the sports in the school season sports for the next 3 years.
  • Went to Met West

    Went to Met West
    I made it to Met West for freestyle swimming. Didnt make it any further though. But it was great memorable experience that i will never forget. I was also very nervracking! as my mum, dad and sister even came to watch.
  • School musical

    School musical
    In Grade 5 i tried out for the schools chior, I was very nervous at first as i didnt make the grade 3 chior but i ended up getting in. That year was the schools musical 'Cinderella' and i was in it. I played one of the maids which was just one of the back roles, so i didnt do much.
  • end of swimming for me

    end of swimming for me
    I ended up giving up swimming. Had enough of all the pressure and the expectations my family had put on me. I had been doing it my whole life, even got down to 26 seconds or something like that for 50m freestyle. But had enough off it all. If i could go back, i wouldnt have given up, i believe that i was pretty good but didnt see that at the time.
  • End of Primary

    I graduated from grade 7! with great memories from primary.

    STARTED HIGH SCHOOL AT ST PETER CLAVER COLLEGE. Made lots of new friends and kept the same ones from primary!
  • played in the school musical

    played in the school musical
    I played in the School musical SHOUT. I was in grade 8 and playing at a grade 12 standard. I played the trumpet in the live band and was mde to dress like a man,

    I got my first job at Blush Blooms, the florist at the Redbank Plaza. I was oferd the job by a family friend who owns the place and have been working there ever since.
  • 2012

    I played the trumpet in the live band for the school musical. (The Wizzard Of Oz) again worked hard and plety of rehersals.
  • Mum

    Mum was diognosed with Breast cancer a week before christmas.
    it was all a busy and confusing time, family calling, many phone calls and many emotional times. She was lucky that it hadn't spread really far and that the Monday she found out they had booked a operation the next day. As it wasn't really bad when it was found becasue they caught it early, it was a rare one and she had to have all the treatment for it.

    I had practiced the test many times and i got them the first time! I ended up having to go a day after my birthday as my birthday had fallen on a Sunday this year and they werent open on Sundays.