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My Artistic Journey

  • Period: to

    From eating playdough to selling a painting

    This timeline follows significant moments in my personal journey of becoming a lifelong artist.
  • Finger painting and tie-dye at the cottage

    Finger painting and tie-dye at the cottage
    As a youngster, my family would rent a cottage each summer with my mother's twin's family. Our mothers made sure we were well entertained with kid-friendly artistic activities.
  • Dance Classes

    Dance Classes
    I began ballet very young. I thought of myself primarily as a dancer until I was much older.
  • Kindergaarten

    A classroom helper taught me to write my name, KIM. A writer was born!
  • The Dragon Story

    The Dragon Story
    In grade one, I wrote a long story about a dragon and coloured it's picture purple and green.
  • Whale Research

    Whale Research
    In grade 3 I created a whale research project... in the shape of a whale!
  • Highschool Art!

    Highschool Art!
    M. Bougie taught me all kinds of things! I made a mosaic, a photorealistic half-portrait, and conceptual art.
  • Photography at Bayside

    Photography at Bayside
    Mr. Freeman taught me about light and shadow, aperture and shutter speed. He taught me to experiment.
  • Artist in Community Education

    Artist in Community Education
    I did a special program at Queen's University for Artist-Teachers, where I experimented with lots of different disciplines, including harmonica!
  • Travelled to China

    Travelled to China
    The stress of this trip led to a reawakening of my visual creative side.
  • Professional!

    I came back to Queen's for my Masters and sold a painting!