7.2 Transitions
I had experience that I lived with different families while my parents in America. I went to deaf school myself, I just have to follow the rules in school and home. After a few years later, I moved to the USA and live with my parents, and attending to Gallaudet university. My expereince transition is from conformist to individualistic because I learned how to be independence in my life. Some my expereinces have effect that from textbook's suggest because the transition lets me able independent. -
4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences.
I think when I was a child, my parents always got a lot books for me and I always read these books when I was free. These books provided a lot of information about society and reality. Also I expereinced to independent on myself after my parents left me to the USA. For example, I learned how to buy vegatable and fruits by myself. I dont know what should to do before i buy these vegatable and fruits. Therefore, I learned from my own expereince. I think that is how develop my attachment styles. -
1.1 The Beginning
That year I was about 13 years old, my parents flied to the United States of America. That is my first time felt that my parents were not there and I started to learn independence and depend on myself. althought I lived my familes relatives's house, I learned alot life things by myself. They did not really give me avice anything, and I learned how to budget my limited money when they gave me each week. These things which I experinces I had that is nonormative life event. -
7.3 Major Life Event
This day was my major life event and never expereinced before. It changed my life and my fate. That day, I went to Beijing with my mom to pick up my Visa and passpart for USA. That experienced was very stress because of date very closed to day i should fly to the USA. My mom told me just chilli, dont too stress, just be patience to wait my paper and passport. The kind of experience is very emotion. I used Emotion-focused and flexibility coping the stress, just follow my mom's words. -
2.1 Oxidative Damage
I dont have any health problem when I was 20's, I can image that how these fruits, vegetable and excrise are very important in a person's life. 20's me, is fine but dont mean I alwasy will be fine, so that mean I have to keep up to eat health food and excrise at all. -
2.3- My current healthy lifestyle
My current lifestyle is healthy. I alwasy eat different kind of fruits and most Asian vegetables everyday. I dont drink any kind of soda, dont eat fast food, and dont drink alcohol often, but I will drink it when I feel like or out with friends. My body is little out shape due to I did not work out so far. I have to change my habits and start to work out. I believe that will be more health . If I keep to have good diet and work out, that will help me to prevent obesity and cancer. -
4.3 Adult Attachment Style.
My attachment styles is secure. I like to depend on my partner just for small like,He can give me emotioncal support when I need. For example, I feel frustrated with my homework, he alwasy comfort me and do homework with me, sometime he makes me laugh. I also like to be indepence. I always hang out wiht my friends while he hangs out with his friends. I never worried that he will interest other lady. Our relationship is based on trust. Once have trust in each other, much easy for each other. -
7.1 Fowler
In Fowler's stage, I believe the Individuative-Reflective faith is fited me the most because I always like to seek outside and out world. Also I always seek different things that can become my belifes and faith. It can help me to see the world more better and get know myself more in different way. I dont believe ritual or myth and believe in science rationality. I dont think the stage will change through my adulthood because it is me and I love to seek things from outside in my life. -
4.1 Young Adult Role Transition
I want to have children in a few years. I picked 2015 year. I think 25 to 27 is typically age to be prepare and excpeted expereince to have children because woman's body desgins to have children during the ages. Some maybe from biolocally block. I will expericence different roles during be prapare to have children because as woman or as parents, we need to know what we should be prapare. The challenge is possible be money, times, etc. I will think possible and overcome with it with my heart. -
6.1 My RIASEC Type
My RIASEC Type is social, artistic, and investigative. I think my RIASEC type and the personality traits that is true about me.
I think Counseling Psychologists, Psychology Teachers, Foreign Language and Literature Teachers, Communications Teacher and Marriage and Family Therapists. I would like to do these kind of jobs because they match my personality and my dreams. This is really consistent what jobs I am intrested and want to purse in my life. -
6.4- Conscientious
I think my interviewer has Loevinger's stages in early adulthood. She tried very hard to get something she wants. After she had that expereinces, she tried to use different motives and traits to get through difficult situtations. I think when I expereince more things by time, like expereinces work with co-workers, bosses, marriaged, relationships, family, money etc. thoese things can change different thoughts and emotions in different time.But by time, my goals shoule be more clearly than early. -
4.2- Older Adult Role Transition.
By time, I expected expereince that I am as grandmother role. The is typicall age to transtion when my children have thier own children because of grandmother effect, biologically block.for thier childrent to have own children, just like to be that feeling to take care of own grandchildren. The chanllenge is that my children want to expereince by thierselves without helping, or less time to see each other. I will just show my love to them, my heart, and tell them I always there. -
2.4- Potential consequences of my lifestyle
I believe my current lifestyle is health will not cause health problem when I am 50's. I have to keep to work out and eat health diet everyday, so that will help me prevent aging and any risk like, cardiovascular disease. Also for now what I eat, like asian vegetables, fruits, that really can help me to prevent cancer in my late adulthood. That mean I have to make promise to myself, eat right diet and work out everyday. -
3.1 Problem Solving
When people get aging, the memory sytem start decling. That is nonrmal recation. But I dont want my memory system decling when I get aging. I think episodic memory maybe will not decling as other memory. My solving is that I try to join different actives. Like, dance group, art group, movies group,etc. Like everyday has different events. Each event, must make some funny and silly and enjoy actives that can keep me and enjoy during the late adulthood. After that, can join challenge group. -
6.2 Super’s Stages
I pick one super's stage is maintenance. If I pick a job which I am intersted in and like school psychologist and after I wok for the job many years. This is good that I grow my values of my career and my personally. At the same time, I dont want my career life looks so flat everyday, We need new expereinces. I would like to change my career and workplaces that will help me to grow other new expereinces and chanlllege in my career and personally life. I would have that chanllege when I am older. -
I saw Matthew Fein's Video that he mentioned that his grandpa brought great things to his family. I am thinking, when I am that age, I will share with my children and grandchildren about something that I did get through before. Give support to they, when they have similar sistuations as mine,I can give guide or expereinces. Like friendship, academic, working, etcs expereinces. Just like share a life story with them. -
3.2 Attention
Hard to know that when I will start to forget things in my late adulthood. I think before I get old, I should set physical exercise and intellectual skill exercise daily. For example, physical exercise, could be jogging everyday, never stop, jump handreds times, etc. While intellectuall skills exerise, we should develop more crystallized intelligence. Like read more books, challenge difficult acitives and skills to help develop our brain and memory. Need to strict with myself. -
2.2- Genetic Limits.
65 years old is not really that old. I can make myself dont look like over 65 years old. How? that mean I have to follow daily diet when I were young like 20's. No only that, I maybe can use telomeres to keep young. But I dont want to, so I think health diet and execrise will help me to keep young and prevent I get aging fast. -
8.1 The End
Shu Han Guo, born 1988, China, passed away May 30, 2067, at San Mateo,CA. Han's funeral home in Half Moon Bay. . She graduated from California school for the Deaf, Fremont in 2010, graduated at Gallaudet University in 2014. She worked for Deaf school as a psychological counsellor. She married Michael "Mike" Washington on Aug, 2016 and they had four children. Han loved to read a lot, and always share information with people. She also member of different Asian organizations to help Asian people.