My 2012 Summer

  • Last Day Of School

    Last Day Of School
    The last day we went to are last classes and we handed everything in. We played dougeball and kickball aganist other class and teammates. We got out at 1:51 insted of 2:51.
  • Cristina's Wedding

    Cristina's Wedding
    Cristina is my mom friend she got marry to her boyfrined Ernesto. The party started out fun but it was getting boring. I have to say not really a like a wedding but it was alright.
  • Swimming

    We went swimming to the south pit with all of are friends. We toke my dads van and we filled it up people even sat on the ground. We swimmed like for the whole afternoon. Then we went and played basketball.
  • Camping

    It was Lizbeth, Gladis, Elva, Ryan, and me camping outside.We were going to head out to the lake the next day so we made a little camp out. It was very funny and fun but scary to.
  • Okoboji Trip

    Okoboji Trip
    My family and I went to Okoboji on 4th of July because some of my family was gone. We had a cook out and we went to the amusement park there. We swimmed and had a lot of fun.
  • Gladis's 15

    Gladis's 15
    On Gladis's fifteen it was a fast day but slow to. It was kind of hard to get through places. The air conditioner wasn't working but it was still super fun and funnny.