
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born at midnight in Canada Toronto.At Mount Sainai hospital.
  • Period: to

    my history project

    my history project
  • IRAQ gets bombed. AHHHHH!!!!

    IRAQ gets bombed. AHHHHH!!!!
    12 bombes,in Iraq were realesd and 22 poeple died and 92 were badly hurt.
  • Wow the first president in a contrey was not that long ago.

    Wow the first president in a contrey was not that long ago.
    In Indonesa the first presedint was elected.
  • Iraq and the U.S.A, here we go again

    Iraq and the U.S.A, here we go again
    War in Iraq, more then 10,000 U.S groups and a bit less Iraq groups join in war, they fought in Fallujah.
  • Sister born

    Sister born
    My sister was born in canada Toronro at Mount Sainai hospital
  • Market bombing? That sounds weird.

    Market bombing? That sounds weird.
    In a shop, bombing killed 135 and badly injured, 339 poeple.
  • Moving

    We moved from Canada to riyadh because of a job transifir.
  • Fastest trian too too.

    Fastest trian too too.
    In france, a frech train went on EST high speed line and set the world record of the fastest train.
  • THE EXPLOTION !!!!!!!

    THE EXPLOTION !!!!!!!
    An explotion hit one of the landmarks in the Philipines and 4 poeple died including very important poeple.Also 6 poelpe were badly hurt.
  • Entering UES !!!!!!

    Entering UES !!!!!!
    It was the first day in upper elemantry.It was a big change, I was so nervous about what to wear.I was also about who was gonna be in my class.
  • Dan ta ta. A wedding

    The wedding of prince Willem occured and he married Kate Middleton.
  • First pet !!!!!

    First pet !!!!!
    My first pet I got was a hamester. I got it as a gift at the evening.
  • First summer camp.

    First summer camp.
    it was the first summer camp I'v ever been to.I was so hot especially the days we hed to fast.
  • Fist uncaged pet !!!!

    Fist uncaged pet !!!!
    My first uncaged pet was a kitten. She was two months old when we got her and she was not shy or scared she was hyper and happy when we got her.